

Two nights of love...(part VIII)
‘October 26th, Thursday night 11PM’
Soon they were on his bed. Maybe the bed would have felt that “atlast he is using me for a right reason”…of course, for those people feeling lonely, you guys are not alone everytime. You have your cotton pillows to console you when you stress your face into it with tears. You have your comforting bedsheets to hide your nasty intense actions. You have your headphones taking you away to another world. So never feel bad about being alone. Lonliness is not just a matter of thing making you bored. It is the lonliness which makes to understand who you are. It helps you decide things and it is where you explore yourself. So whenever you are alone, make precious use of it and reach the happiness of your heights. Just know one thing, a lion is majestic only when it’s alone in it’s forest!
Coming over here. Priyanka made him lie on his bed and she tried leaving. Akhil had his firm hands holding her hands and he never left. She went on with the flow.
“maybe, this is not the right time…but I’ve say this. I… I really love you, Priya! I know it’ll be weird for you. You’ve lost your husband you way back but it’s of no use in thinking about the thing we’ve lost. We must not loose our present too and I don’t wanna’ leave you”, Akhil started.
“Akhil…”, she interrupted.
“don’t do this! Just say yes. I’ll take good care of you. You’ll know that. I know that you too like me. I’ve seen it. Why do you stop yourself. Restricting yourself will never fetch you anything. It’s something beyond lust, Priya! Your eyes, that’s killing me. Everytime you approach me calling me‘sir!’, I feel like hugging you so tight. Don’t leave me…”
“sir, am leaving!”, she turned with tears. She started walking.
“the same way, she left me years back. Now, it’s you! Is it my fate to hold my love back whenever you leave me showing your back”, he cried.
Priyanka could not control her tears. She closed the door with a blast and she came running towards him. She jumped upon the bed and he was ready to hold her and roll around. Rolling continued and finally she was lying over him.
“ I....”, he started again. This time she did let him speak. She shut his mouth tightly with her lips. That was a long kiss and both were engaged. He lifted her slightly and said…
“if this is how you’ll say your love, I would have said it bit earlier!”, he smiled.
She kissed him again. He did the same. There were no place on her body, he did not kiss. As time passed they were so intense that both of them felt each other’s breath. Being tired, they came to a break. She was lying above him like a baby and he was hugging her tight. Of course, that was the only place where people are not disgusted by sweats!
“Priya! Do you believe me?”
“that is why am here! Darling!”, she replied.
“I’ve done a lot of things in my life and am regretting it till date. You don’t know that!”
“leave off that boring love story. She is gone. You have got me, try something different to make me even more naughty!”
“I’ll never leave you down…darling!”, he kissed her in her forehead.
Akhil picked up his phone and tried taking a Selfie! She did not question and she accompanied. He captured and he smiled looking at it.
“are you gonna’ blackmail me with this picture?”, she asked smiling.
“maybe…”, he replied.
“you!”, she bit him hard.
“hey, hey! It’s…it’s just a memory!”
“yes, my darling. That’s the power of pictures”, he started again.
“philosophy time…”
“pictures…they have the power of freezing moments and they’ll remain the same as it is. Here look at this, whenever I see this, I’ll be kissing you like this tightly at this beautiful night!
Actually that’s the purpose of pictures. We’ve become nerds in creating moments and we call it ‘photoshoot’. Bull shit! Now…am living every second of my life with my love! How lucky I am?”, he finished.
“nice one. Now let me create some more tasty moments for you…”, the entire night went off so romantically. It was morning 8AM by then.
“ACP Akhil Kumar had been handling this case for days. The victim had been killed several days back and he has not even taken a single step forward. Comparing all his records before, he is really slow over here. And not even a single lead has been captured their department till date. Adding upon this, leaked up information says that he is dating his assistants. What the heck?”, a local newspaper shouted!
Akhil’s mom read it and she rushed towards his room. It was locked inside. She knocked it hard and there was no response. Both were too sleepy and they were lying as such. Finally Akhil heard out his mom.
“coming, ma!”, he replied.
He woke up hard and looked at the wall clock over there. It was 8.30AM. He blinked his eyes and pressed his own head trying to get rid of the headpain. He turned his head towards his left. He saw Priyanka lying over there and she sleeping very comfortably.
“wake up, baby! It’s time. We’ve to go…”, he whispered kissing her ears.
“am on leave today!”, she went into the blanket.
“naughty creep!”, he teased and he looked into his mobile phone.
‘8 missed calls – Constable Raj’, it notified.
A message popped up saying, “sir! Pickup my call. It’s something serious. Harish and Aaryana have met with an accident today morning! They have been admitted in the hospital!”
Akhil’s world blanked out in a second…

October 27th, Friday morning 9AM’
Priyanka woke up from the bed. She was still sleepy. She was not out of last night. She dragged her hands looking up for Akhil. He was not there. She got up at the instant and tried getting out. There was note on the door…
“darling! Get ready and come over here. Happy morning!”, it had other details about the hospital. She read it and she was shocked thinking of something else. She rushed downstairs. Akhil’s mom was sitting over there with her Coffee cup.
“Good morning…aunty!?”, Priyanka started.
“Morning, ma!”, she smiled.
“Akhil sir!...”
“I know everything. Finally he is interested in you. Am happy for you. I like you so much!”
“aunty, am not of such type you are thinking about. I’ll explain you later. Of course, I love you so much, aunty!”, she kissed his mom.
“aren’t you guys in love?”, she asked out of disappointment.
“not yet…”
“aunty, where is he?”, Priya asked.
“he left few minutes earlier, but…”
“will see you aunty!”, she left.
She came out and booked a cab. “3 mins further…”, her mobile notified.
“make it soon, anna!”, Akhil urged.
“is something serious?”, the driver asked.
“anna! Please…”, he yelled.
“It’s ok. Calm down”, he drove as fast as he could.
They reached the hospital and as soon as he got there, he jumped out of the jeep and ran inside.
“what happened to him?”, the driver parked the car with confusion.
Akhil ran towards the reception and he found the ward where they were admitted. He walked fast and finally found Raj over there.
“what happened Raj? How did this happen? Who is that bastard?”, he kept on shooting out questions.
“sir, calm down. They are out of danger but just a little complication!”, he replied.
“what’s that? What is it?”
“sir Harish is severely injured. He is in ICU. Doctors say that he would require a high medication which would cost more and Aaryana…”
“oh…what is it?”
“she is slightly injured at her head. Lot of blood loss, sir! It seems that she has a rare blood group. It is something like Bombay…blood group. We need a donor, sir!”, he felt bad.
Akhil rushed into the doctor’s cabin as if he is gonna’ catch some criminal. Over here Priyanka was on her way to hospital. She called Akhil many times but there was no response. She was tensed up. She had all her memories about her husband. She felt like loosing Akhil permenantly. She was stressed again. She forced the driver to make it fast.
Raj was totally confused. They were doing something into the ward. He entered over there. Akhil was lying over there pressing the smiley ball.
“sir, do you have the same blood?”, he asked.
“yeah! I do.”
“am really proud of you, sir. I’ve seen cops focused on the criminals but you are something different.”
“Raj… can you do me a favour?”
“go tell them to start the process needed. I’ll pay for it. We have to save both the lives!”
Raj went and came near him again. He sat on the chair nearby. He wanted to say something to Akhil.
“sir…”, Raj started.
“what happened? How did this happened?”, Akhil asked.
“both father and daughter were on their way to school as usual. They were so fast on their way and were hit by a Laury. People said that Harish had no control in his driving. People have seen it and informed us. Hearing this, I went to the spot and I admitted them, here.”
“thanks, man!”, Akhil held his hands.
“don’t worry, sir! They will be recovered.”
“I know…they will!”
“sir, if you don’t mind, may I ask you something?”
“what’s it?”
“are you in relationship with Priyanka?”
“know your limits Mister Constable!”
“I always knew my limits, sir, but this time I have to break it up. You are so much concerned about someone’s family, why don’t look up for someone who is next to you on your bed?”
“what do you mean?”
“do you feel that she loves you? She had been married already and her husband is no more…”
“I know all of it, man!”
“sir, a story never ends until the author decides. In your perception, her story is stuck where her husband had been murdered. There is something else, you have to know…”
“I don’t wanna’ hear anything. Thanks for whatever you did! Now just get out!”, Akhil yelled.
“am not yet done, sir. This is not our station and am gonna’ open up this time. You have time to hear out all her insane instincts but you never heard me out. I’ll speak up.”
“what if I deny?”
“I have all the rights to complain you people regarding your fucking relationship…”
“that’s better. Priyanka, ha…she does not deserve you, sir. She is not so clean as you think. The other day she was about to jump upon me. Ho! Am getting out of track…
Where did I stop…yup! You never know her until you come out of her shell. Years back, her husband has been killed by some random fuckers. Just within seven days, do you know what happened to them. All of them were hanging like ceiling fans in the same hall of the guest house where they use to gather.
Our mighty press running around heroine hips covered this too. Complaint was filed and it was suspected to be a serial attack. Cops were frustrated handing this case and nobody can crack this. Till date it is under investigation! A lot cases are just carrying dust in our shelves, sir!
We are least bothered about all of them because we have all our time to arrest the people at protest, people near shops and all those beggars! In this mode, we have a jeep…majestic uniform…a long latti…all of them to serve ministers! What the heck?
I have entered into this department but am lost seeing all this shit. At times I feel guilty to be Policeman. Am ashamed because everytime, I feel like exploding in anger the crime would have been framed in a better manner and we would focus on something else.
Sorry, sir! Am blabbering. That serial killer is none other than Priyanka, your darling! She had been on leave that week and she rejoined. She did it and framed it very well. She is good at evidence and of course, there is no person greater than an artist to spoil a painting! I clearly found that she had done that but I have no evidence. I’ll collect it soon, sir!”
“is it true?...”, Akhil was totally shocked.
“sir, I had a lot to say, sir! Only today I’ve opened up. Now she is upto you. Take care of yourselves. She dares to anything if she wants it. Don’t judge her to be innocent. Even now I would have not said you, but your involvement towards this case made me say this. Be careful sir. She is a bitch!”, he tried leaving.
“am sorry, Raj!”
“the only loyal follower of leader are found only at the back seats, sir!”, he left smiling.
“Akhil! It’s time. Shall we move?”, Priyanka showed up.
“yeah…yeah, sure!...”

‘October 27th, Friday morning 11AM’
Both Akhil and Priyanka came outside. This time Akhil was bit strange towards her. He wanted to collect all the evidences along with Raj. He tried to be Away from her.
“what about Harish? Is he alright?”, she asked.
“no, it’s little complicated. He is in ICU and let’s hope for the best. Yeah…”, he replied.
“did any of his relatives turn up?”, she asked.
“we have to inform them. Asking questions will not get you anything. Go inform them!”, he yelled.
“yes, sir…”, she sighed.
Akhil peeped through the hole over the door. Harish was struggling to live. The entire setup was very awkward. He could see it for a long time. He wiped off his tears. The doctor came out with hesitation.
“doctor?”, he stammered.
“that girl…she will be fine and you can discharge her by evening! But this guy…ah Harish, it’s quite difficult. All our prayers will save him”, he explained.
“prayers are not gonna’ do anything. You have to save him, doctor!”
The doctor had nothing to say. He left with a smile. Akhil was emotionally unstable. Priyanka returned after informing the matter to Martin’s assistant. On the way, she saw some random guy whom she have seen earlier. That guy himself approached her.
“hello mam! Don’t you recognize me?”, he asked.
“I don’t remember you, sorry!”
“mam…the fire incident! Am the owner. The other day I was yelling at you for someone’s act”, he laughed.
“yeah! I remember. How do you do? Why are you here? Is everything ok?”
“just a normal check up for my mom. She is mom, Sharadha!”, he introduced.
“Namaskar, ma!”, she wished and tried leaving.
“mam, that ACP! I think he is being tracked. The day before the fire incident, I called him looking at his mobile number on posters saying him that, maybe the killer would be recorded in my CCTV. The next day everything was over. Nothing remained. Ah…whenever we loose something, we run around claiming for insurance without knowing that our dreams had been lost long back. Oh am sorry mam! Someone may be tracking his calls or someone who is near you is doing all of it! Don’t leave him, mam!”, he left with a request.
Priyanka was totally collapsed now. She could find a lead eventhough she had a lot of information. She reached upstairs thinking all this.
“sir…”, she was about to ask something.
“Priya… stay here and take Aaryana to your home. Don’t tell her anything about Harish. I’ll come there as soon as possible. Maybe he will turn up here. So be careful. I’ll leave two more constables here. Take care!”, he ordered and left.
“let’s go, anna! Raj… get into the jeep!”, he called. Raj was finally happy and he ran towards him nodding his head.
“Raj, you are gonna’ be with me the entire day and you know what, we are gonna’ find all the fucking evidences she had left and if she is to be proved as guilty, maybe she would have some connection with this case too…”
“exactly, sir! You are brilliant, sir!”
“I know…”
It was 2PM afternoon by then. Priyanka called Akhil and this time she wanted to speak.
“hello…”, he attended.
“does my ACP sir have some time?”
“will call you later, Priya”
“no, now. We have to talk.”
“fine, what’s it.”
“did you see today’s newspaper, darling?”
“ACP under arrest!” I read it…”, he laughed.
“aren’t you angry?”
“why should I? He has written that am dating all my assistants and I really liked it!”
“sir, have some sense. He has bewildered you!”
“baby! Reacting to negativities will never get you anything. It will take you miles back from your success. Do you get me. Just ignore it!”
“is that why, you ignored that shopkeeper’s call?”
“I met him today morning. He said everything. You had knew that there is a CCTV over there in his shop but you never said me, why?”, she yelled.
“yes tell me. I think you would have said me if I had slept with you earlier?”, she yelled again,
“Priya, just try to know what you are speaking. I have always been real towards you. I’ve never been fake till date. Believe me! On that day, do you remember our coffee time! It was that time he had called me…”, he continued.
“so you have tried to suppress me with that fucking coffee to hide this shit!”
“just hear out, you…let me finish. On that you were confident that Martin was the murdered and even I had my hope over it. I did not wanna’ confuse you more and more. I know you were already stressed and I did not want to push you more and more into it.
I had this so called call but I did not expect this fire incident. It was next option if your instincts fail but it was unfortunate. I have made a mistake, I know that and I need not force you anymore…”
She was completely convinced but before she could understand and apologize to him, he hung up. Akhil was really tensed now. He did not know what to do with her. Both parted and the misunderstanding ruled.
“sir! We have found something here”, Raj yelled.
“coming…”, he went sighing.
An ID card was found over the place where Raj took him staright from the hospital. It showed up,

© arvind