

Familiarity breeds contempt. When we stay in an environment, do things and relate with a group of people for a period of time, we get used to them and lose the initial vibe that keep things interesting and attractive.
When familiarity gets in the way, complacency creeps in. Motivation diminishes, activities become routine, growth becomes limited, a status quo is created and mediocrity is developed.
The truth is that we will not always change our environment, work, family, friends and the things we do but we can always change one thing: THE WAY WE DO THINGS.
Creativity is the spice of living. It is a way by which we add newness and uniqueness to the things we do and how we do them. It is important to always ask ourselves what we can do to add life to our jobs, families, relationships and our environment at large.
We must create an atmosphere of happiness, improvement, love, empathy and impact for what we do and the people we relate with. This can only be made possible when we are creative in our thoughts and actions.
Don't get familiar; be creative