

God's the reason I will never be the same again
To get a heavenly touch from God Himself was so overwhelming. As I layed in the ICU deteriorating ..a pastor from my church had a vision ..He saw the hand of God coming down from heaven and Gods hand gave me a gentle touch upon my chest and arose again.

That's exactly when my mum got a call from the doctors telling her...to come quickly to the hospital, I'm recovering. I had fat embolism and no one survives this medical condition but only a very few according to medical statistics. I was that very few that survived!

So God's the reason I will never be the same again...He turned my mourning into dancing and my sorrow into joy. To get a touch from God is so beautiful. That God loves me so much to save me ...overwhelms me...Jesus is a loving God ...who's mercy ensures forever.

As I awake every morning...I'm so thankful to my God...that I'm alive. What God did by saving my life...still amazes me. So that's the reason I'm telling my real life story of what God did in my life. May youl be blessed by my story and may youl realize that God's real and He will save those areas of your life that are dying ...be it your my marriage, your finance..or perhaps you have an illness you are trying to overcome. God has got your back.. Never give up.