

Elephant Attack
It was on a Wednesday evening a lots of people were getting their tickets to go see the Glumpy the elephant show it starts at 4:00 PM a lots of people will be there. The elephant’s trainers will be coming along with real elephants so they can perform at the Glumpy Show it will be a lots of fun there. When the show started all of the elephants were there lining up getting ready to perform. There was this rude man that was dressed up in this clown costume he doesn’t won’t the elephants to mess up if they do he will give them the worst punishment he will whipped them till they bleed. The first elephant that started entertaining was Gruefale he started entertaining first he started standing up on the big circus ball and lifted up his one back leg up and all of the crowd was cheering for him they took pictures of him, they recorded him, and they even said good talent. There was teenagers that came to The Glumpy Show they say all of the elephants entertaining the oldest one saw a chance of being naughty he wanted to irritate one of the elephants by throwing cashews at one but he decided to wait to every human gets out of the way. The next top showing is the elephants ride on the Glumpy express the Glumpy express is a steam locomotive that takes the elephants all around in circles it was supposed to be an excellent for everybody to see the train was driving by Elen the elephant he drove the Glumpy express all around in circles the elephants enjoyed it they waved their trunks out the window to everybody and everybody started laughing at them it was so funny in one of the cars Billy the elephant was taking a shower and in the other car Naomi the elephant was eating her some delicious watermelons. The next showing will be Hannah the elephant doing funny tricks now the teenagers had their chance of being naughty they wanted to irritate Hannah by throwing cashews at her. The oldest teenager threw a cashew at Hannah and then it happen Hannah went off she threw her rider off her back she growled and it scared everybody the oldest teenager kept throwing cashews at her then Hannah slanged the teenager down on the ground and everybody screamed and ran the rude guy in the clown costume tried to calm her down but Hannah slanged him down on the ground he was injured just like the teenager that Hannah attacked. Hannah is a tough female African elephant who is very sensitive she doesn’t have her parents in her life her mother and father both died by lions attack a few years ago she is on her own with nobody to look after her she has been adopted but her adopted parents didn’t care so much for her she was moved to home to home. The ambulance came and took the teenager and the rude guy with the clown costume to the hospital. Hannah ran away back she tried to go back in the wild but a man had a shotgun and he caught her she just ran fast and a man shot her so she doesn’t kill nobody Hannah is now dead. In the hospital the teenager was fine he admitted what he did and so he was arrested for animal cruelty then the guy who was dressed up as a clown he is suffering PTSD and he promised to never work with elephants ever again so he quit his job of being around elephants he admitted that he abused the elephants a lot if they did nothing right and then he got arrested for animal cruelty no animal deserves to be abused.
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