

Solutions of BOYCOTTCHINA campaign
Of Late, I have been listening about the boycott of chinese product campaign In india due to conflicts between India and Chain at along the LAC. I have a question to authenticity of this Campaign. To be honestly saying, we have to study about that before starting. There is no legit impact on Chinese govt. to outlaw the Chinese products in india. The reasons for not impacting is China do four times more export ($70 billion) than India govt do($16.7 billion) per year and it is only 3.1 % of their exports through the world market.So we have to find an alternative way to exacerbate the status quo without being involved in trade war.

#_The _ Solutions# :
1. The indian govt. is more responsible to ban chinese products than Indian people. They ( Govt.) could impose tariffs on chinese product to equate our own products. But I am little bit sceptical about that . This might be fallen down our GDP. so another way is to revolve our indigenous infrastructures to mesmerize the foreign companies to be invested here.
2. The indian Govt should sign FTA(Free trade agreements) with other country like Usa, EU,Germany, Russia, Vietnam and so on for tackling the chinese marketing.
3. It is obvious that our own company can not afford the products as cheap as chinese products but make sure that a developing infrastructure mitigate the situation well.
4.India needs a good relationship with the neighbouring country like Bangladesh, srilanka, Pakistan, Myanmar etc to defend The Chinese communist party.If India is able to convince the other countries about the worldwide aggression of china in marketing then it will be fruitful.And olny then China would be realized the economic problems on their country.
5. Last but not least , It is a long term agenda.So please stop the destroying Chinese products which you have had and pledge not to buy any Chinese products more.India really want a cool minded personality who knows the tactics avoiding the war.

( S.A: don't impose sedition on me.It is my personal opinion .I have no intention to stigmatise our political leaders).