


SAY NO TO RAPE, SAY NO TO SEXUAL HARASSMENT, the statement we’ve been singing out loud in past years. Then I ask myself, will we ever be free from all these assaults?, Especially with the kind of society we’re in and ignoramus people living within it.
Every single one of us has failed in keeping up our responsibilities on issue of rape, sexual assault and child molestation.We only bring up awareness and broadcast when such issue comes up but we don’t mention them in other time to teach innocent ones of the danger and encourage victims to live on.

The initiation of these acts are from the background of every society- The Family

Rapist experienced multiple early life adversities such as sexual abuse, physical abuse, and dysfunctional family relations,which are likely to affect their capacities for secure attachments and developing healthy adult relationships.
If only parents know how they bore their children, maybe they’d see the dangers the society hold against innocent children and act wise and maybe they’d breed children making the society better.
"There is nothing in the world like the devotion of a married woman. It is a thing no married man knows anything about" oscar wilde once said. Who are you as a mother, when your girl doesn’t trust you with her personal life.Mother is the heartbeat in the home and without her, there seems to be a heart throb(know your duties as a mom).
And who are you as a father when your boy is afraid of your entire being,he doesn’t even share his friend’s name with you. How pathetic, It is only a wise father that knows his own child.
Family bond is built on trust, integrity, harmony, unity and not some material provisions.
Its a crying shame when I hear stories of mother bathe with hee 4-6yr old boy or dressing in front of a 8yr old child. Then I ask, what thinking do you want him to have when he sees lady (properly dressed or not). No doubt, abnormal sexual fantasies and uncontrollable urge to practice his evil thoughts.
"No one ever injured their eyesight from looking on the bright side of things.". Its time you trend the bright side of nurturing your children.

YES!!!, the government keep saying, the society supports it. But how have they helped? By distributing free condoms at occasions for teenagers? By promoting sexually enticing videos?
No law on consumption of alcohol, its available to underage. So many young lads and teens are high on drugs available at their fingertips. Security measures are down the cliff, law enforcement agency receives bribe from owners of bars, prostitution centres and many more.
If this is what our society offers, then how do we get free from sexual assault and related cases.

To you fellas, who think every girl should fall to your feet or you take them down by force.
Why punish yourself with pornography clips, sexually enticing music and stories, intoxication from alcohol and drugs??
STOP your insanity by making your life worth living, STOP making life a living hell for females out of your selfish desires. If you’re insensitive or psychologically deranged, find solution with a psychiatrist. Learn to distinguish aggressive and sexual impulses. Mind you, her dressing or facial look doesn’t give you the audacity to open her up. LOWER YOUR GAZE, HANDS IN POCKET AND MOVE ON.
Else, you spend the little time you have left wallowing in punishment for your crime.

Damsel queen you are, pride of every man.... Oh lady, cut the crap! and act wise! All those won’t matter by the time you deal with mental distress and aloof lifestyle..It saddens why do female folk have to be the victims of sexual assault?
Why flaunt your beauty when you can be modest. Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue.
I’ve thought about it, only valuable things comes with coverings (golds covered with rocks, pearl covered with its shell), so have a rethink my lady.
You’re a future mother, what legacy have you set forth for your baby girl.

Its high time, you learn some self defense skills and not sit watching romantic movies
And if by chance you fall victim, speak up and fight for justice, don’t die in silence for the love of your boyfriend. Life has more to offer than you leave in seclusion and develop self hatred. People are out there that’d fight for you, take the chance and move on with life.
Lastly, sex education is what we should sing out loud to the hearings of our innocent young ones. Its a continuos awareness, no stipulated time for it. TIME FOR A CHANGE AND INDIVIDUAL RESOLUTION