

Amanda my charm
chapter one
I was still on packing my books, when James yelled out "what's keeping you, come on let's go ", I followed the instructions immediately, I rushed out hoping to see him, but he wasn't outside, could it be that he left already, "no James can't go without me ". I was moping my eyes every where in search of him but couldn't find him.
On the search for James, I over heard a noise at the corner of the building, I thought for a second "could it be James , let me take a look " on reaching there James wasn't there rather I saw a girl on floor near a flower pot, she was on normal wear, wet, putting on beautiful necklace and chains, "I wondered who it could be" I thought for another second, at this moment fewer students remains at the school, let me take gaze, " hello miss " I said. on reaching her she didn't turn, she is still back facing me.
Then I noticed she was crying and also soaked in water and tears, what is the matter miss, I asked her , at this point I stretched my hands to touch her, on my hands reaching her , James call out, " dummy where the hell are you, didn't you remember we have to go there today".
I rush out to James, "where have you been, I have been looking for you " I asked, instead he made fun of me by saying "searching for me inside the flower pot, come on let's go it's past 4 already", so James was watching me all this while, how come he didn't asked me who was the girl, or he didn't see her. this keep running on my head. I wanted to ask James whether he noticed the girl there but I didn't because he might thought I have fully gone nut. But this got me absent minded throughout the day.
The next morning I have forgotten about the incident, all my mind was on the maths quiz schedule that day, math is my greatest enemy, I tired studying some equations last night but all was in vain, "what will I write today " I murmured, that means I need a plan, I was still initiating a plan as I was preparing for school, then I heard our door bell rings continuously, who could that be this early morning, but that's not my concern because I have my maths problem to solve, I heard my mom attending to the visitor, but to my greatest surprise he call out on me, that was when I started to imagine who the visitor could be.
It can't be James, he said he will walk Sarah to school, he has crush on her since grade two, could it be dad , he already left us to her mistress, along time ago when am just six years old, it can't be him, Alot of things keep floating on my mind as I sloop down the stairs with eyes full of gaze.
chapter two coming soon