

Hush #3
Drums pounded in my head. "What have you done KonKon?"

"I saved you Ahana."

I woke up sweating do badly. I was sleeping in my mother's den, the walls were so bloody...what did KonKon do? Mother's lair was never like this. Never this scary, this is where she left me the last time. "Kaya," I looked around, she was nowhere to be seen. Did I kill her? I smiled a little...nope, she was just downstairs, eating in my miserable spot. "Why are you sitting in my spot!?"

"What? KonKon?"

"No! Not KonKon, KonKon needs to live in someone else's body!"

"I made my promise to KonKon, that I'd play games with her. Now don't get jealous."

"Why would I get jealous? KonKon is a childish demon that possesses the most depressing spirits."

"You are not a spirit."

"No, you're right, but I'm the most depressing dead demon around, which causes this certain spirit to thrive."

I grabbed an apple that gooshed too thick black goo. "I hate this world!"

"KonKon thinks it's funny when the apple explodes in her hand."

"Well great! Why didn't you birth the demon child!?"

"You are the demon child. This spirit...it's not a demon that possessed you, I hate to tell you this, but KonKon, is you, hun."

"Don't call me hun! Who the fuck do you think you are calling me hun!?"

"You act just like her Ahana."

"So what? She isn't a part of me, at all, not one bit. KonKon is a child, she doesn't understand this world, if only I escaped you faster, then this would have never happened."

"Never happened?"

"KonKon is the child, that you left, Ahana is me, who I became after I was abandoned in this dark castle. The sun is lovely-" I tensed up. "She told me that you-"

"Shut up," just one look at her, and she pressed her lips together. "You made me this way! I should have killed you and Onkar when I had the chance! So when you sleep during the day! Just remember what I wish for you! Just remember how badly I want to stick garlic down your throat! Better lock your damn door tonight, because when the time comes, I will find a way to kill you, I don't care how long it takes, I got out once, I'll do it again."

"KonKon shared a lovely story about you getting out...I'm afraid it just won't be possible."

"I hate you!" My hands slammed onto the table. It bothered her so much, that flinch that she had, I smiled. "That's right, you did make a promise, a promise which you only made with KonKon, so she can kiss your ass, but I will always hold it over your head, it will thrill me to see you stabbed apon a...