

When love dies (chapter 1)
The heart, is the one thing in life I seem to question to much. It's the very thing pumping blood through are body. People say, love in the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about a heart. I think that a heart represent pain, guilt, and death. A man changed that all, he showed me that when love dies we can still live on.

It was November 15, I had just clocked out of work which means it was probably about 11 pm or so. I was wearing a tank top, shorts, and a jacket. Walking home was a normal thing for me. It was walking at night that wasn't. I had only been walking home this late for a few nights and it had scared me. Where I live, is not a very nice place, let alone a safe place. Whenever I was scared I would Sing a song quietly to myself, and that's exactly what I did on these walks home. I remember walking home and hearing a stick crack. I jumped and turned around to see what had made the noise. I didn't see anything, so I assumed it was a squirrel, or a bird of some sort. I heard breathing, deep heavy breathing. I walked faster, and faster, eventually I was running. I turned around and saw nothing.

I laughed at myself, as i breath heavily and crouch down. Then I heard deep breathing again. A shiver went down my spine. I slowly stood up not knowing what was going to happen. I felt a pair of hands cover my mouth. I tried to scream but slowly fell asleep. that's all I remember about how I got here. Now I'm tied to a pole in a old, cold , basement. My coat is on the floor that I can't quite reach. Im shivering the most I ever have in my life. I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. A tall man with a mask, and gloves comes down. I try to wiggle the duct tape off my mouth, and I successfully take it off.
"Why the hell are you doing this !?!"
"Please stop yelling, I have done nothing to harm you, actually I have but that is not my point. My point is I need to ask you a few questions and if, you don't tell me then you might have a reason to yell and I assure you, you will be yelling."
"Ok, what do you wanna know?
"You work at the bank, I and some others are going to rob that very bank, so I need codes, key card numbers, names, and times."
"I... I can't help you."
"oh yes you can, and yes you will." He hovered over me, and I felt as if he was looking into my eyes.
"You can kill me if you'd like, I don't want to live anyway."
"I knew you would say that, so I won't kill you, only torture you." My eyes filled with fear and tears. The pain in my stomach I felt at the moment was unbelievable.
"How did you know, that I wanted to die?"
"It doesn't matter, what matters is that you have what I need." I sniffle as tears fall down my face, the only thing I had really been scared of was dying painfully. I'm not got get outta this one easily.

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