


I can grieve and still hold this belief; can cry while my heart sings.
I can count my faith in feathers, knowing feathers make the wings.
I can miss you in the moment, then catch you in a song.
I can cry the tears of emptiness but try to sing along.

I can see you in another's eyes and touch you through their smile,
But still feel cold from missing you and grieve you all the while.
I can cry a pool of memories or swim in seas of love.
I choose to hold you to my pain or fly you free as doves.

Each choice I make each moment, to grieve your story told,
Takes away the truth of me and leaves me in the cold,
Yet true is my belief, that love, it carries on;
That we are of an echo and forever under sun.

So I catch you in each feather; I hear you call my name;
In every moment I hold faith, I touch your heart again
And in those blessed moments, the weight I hold in grief,
Is lifted like the love we are and gives our souls relief.

Keep sending me those feathers, in words, in eyes, in wind.
Keep showing me that you are free in every song I sing.
Remind me that you're everywhere, and you are listening,
And I'll keep collecting feathers to keep you on your wings.

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