

Perspective Matters!
Perks of lockdown is you don’t have to put any efforts to gain weight. I wish everything is as easy as putting on weight! 🤪

Due to this overweight, last night I started overthinking, As a remedy, I’d started walking right away on the terrace.

Abruptly, while walking I noticed few sounds as my terrace has asbestos roof shed.

By hearing those sounds I thought it was raining heavily, simultaneously numerous thoughts popped inside my head like whether I need to stay under the shed as it may rain heavily or should I rush to my room ASAP.

By the time I came out of the shed, it was just drizzling.

Suddenly, I’ve realized that we were stuck in our life with such similar thoughts in various situations and places in the name of the comfort zone.

For an instance, At work! Most of us are stuck with this comfort zone and some thoughts arise within us like will I be able to crack, lemme think about this after the next appraisal or will I be not able to upgrade accordingly as per the standards!

I myself stuck in this situation thinking that outside our office, it’s not easy due to a lot of setbacks and various thoughts flicker in my head which is similar to the ones I heard when I was under the shed.

Who knows! the outside world is not that hard described in relation to our thoughts just like the drizzle 😇

Put efforts, try it out!

“If you succeed, you’ll get to know only one way on how to accomplish, but if you fail you’ll get to know many other ways on how to succeed! – Badri”

Perspective matters!

© thoughtWritingsByBadri