

Chapter 1
In the kingdom of whitemoon .
Eren Pov
UHH.why am I doing this . l shouted to my father who just rolled his eyes and repiled " Do you want to see your kingdom suffer? when you could have done something .Man up and just do it!" Thats the point l shouted as l banged my fists agints the table. "How the hell am l to marry a man-" l stoped mid sentence as someone knoked the door. "Enter"said my father then in came the headbutler " Your Majesty the the Prince of Dark Sky has arrived" l began to panic . Then my father says " Hurry up and put on the wig and dress dont disappoint me." All l could do was say " Yes father " then l was escorted by the headmaid to my chambers where l was to get ready

Ry Pov

"The least they could do is give us dowlry for your marrage "said one of my advisours . "Lets not be so testing" " But your majesty" " You may now enter the kings courtroom" interrupted the butler. I walk in to see a man in his late fiftys by a window he turns arounds and says " Price Ry how was your trip here l hope not to bumpy along the way?" l repiled" Thank u for your concern where is the princess we have to make the trip back in time for the wedding " Yes , yes she will soon arrive " Then the most soft voice called " father you called for me" " Yes enter" .

that all for no remeber to love and comment ld like to hear feedback bye.