

That day, I was walking along the lonely road where the street lights had started to blink, and the rustling of dried leaves on the footpath made me scared. I can't forget that day, which was my biggest nightmare ever. I walked and walked along the footpath until I reached the narrow path to go to my house. There was a textile shop beside the narrow path. The mannequin in front of the shop was just looking at me with a creepy smile. My heart was beating so fast, my hands started shaking, and my lips started trembling with fear. "I want to run," I whispered, "but I can't." The mannequin in front of me was staring at me, like, Oh, I can't explain. At that moment, a question raised in my mind: "Is that a real mannequin or a man?

I walked a lot faster than usual.' I thought that I should not look back and see those scary eyes. But I couldn't because then I saw a lady who was taking pictures with the manniquin. This made me even more scared. The eyes were so realistic, like a real man, and the eyes were fixed on me. That was the time I realized that thing was not a real manniquin.

I was all alone on the road, completely clueless about what was going on. Out of nowhere, my mind told me, "Just go... Save yourself." I couldn't understand why I was so terrified of a mannequin. Actually, I don't want to remember any of them, but I can tell you what happened that day. I obeyed what my mind told me. I walked as fast as I could. I can't describe the fear I felt inside. I didn't know what was going to happen to the lady I saw.

The next day, I gathered those books and prepared myself for school. While walking along the road, I thought about the manniquine that I saw yesterday. that creepy smile, those realistic eyes, and the presence of that woman. Oh, I don't want to remember any of them. Nevertheless, I composed myself and continued walking. But my fearlessness did not last long. The reason was another. As I approached the textile shop, my heart started beating faster. I saw the dead body of that woman. There were also many police officers who were taking pictures of the body. I never knew that this would happen to that woman. Someone or something mumbles from around her body. I could see the blood flowing through the hair on that frozen body. Instead of tears, blood flowed from her motionless eyes. I saw her scary face, angry with me. Maybe if I had asked someone for help that day or talked to that woman, she wouldn't be in that situation. Despite all that happened, I did not have the courage to tell anyone.

I don't feel safe within the four walls where I sit and write this right now. I feel like someone is gazing at me and controlling my mind and body.

© Anne Ayre