

My Native Wolf... Part 4
“I’ve thought about that Anderson, believe me. Clover won’t let me cancel her journey. She is desperate to belong.” Tobin shakes his head but doesn’t speak. He’s the groups thoughtful quiet one. When he speaks everyone listens but still he holds his tongue. Yanto fills the gap.
“I’ve only met her once but I can tell she’s head strong. Does she even connect that those wolves were after her?” I shake my head.
“No, she thought it was a freak accident and that were were lucky in our escape. She thinks I hate her.” Now Tobin speaks.
“Can you blame her? You’re 6’5 and look like a psychotic beast when you’re angry. You’ve been breathing fire ever since she set foot on our land, bullying, badgering and threatening her every chance you got.” I can’t stop the glare I give Tobin but damn him I know he is right… and he’s not done yet.
“I don’t know what you’re so angry about but you need to snap out of it before you run her off for good. One of us needs to go with you, we can stay in wolf form as a scout, she’ll never know.” Oh he’s one to talk about running a girl off.
“I’m working it out Tobin you’re one to talk though. How’s Leilani doing these days?” Tobin's chest immediately thrusts out and he’s ready to fight. Yanto steps between us and puts a finger to my chest.
“Low blow Levi watch yourself before I let him kick your ass.” Taking a deep breath I pace and walk up to Tobin.
“I’m sorry that was uncalled for. I’m being an asshole all around. There’s no excuse for what I said. You can hit me if you like?” Unexpectedly Tobin strikes out clipping me square in the jaw. The power he put in his punch spun me around and had me on the floor. Damn, that’s going to leave a mark. That will teach me to open my big mouth. Tobin has been after Leilani for years. She came to the Rez seeking safety and protection from an ex stalker boyfriend. Leilani was beaten, battered and even raped by that worthless human. Being a petite she fox, self defense isn’t one of her strong suits. I know she wants him but is to scared to admit it. Of all the places she could stay on the Rez she choose to stay on Tobin’s land. Hell he even built her, her own home next to his. Word has it that when she gets really upset she stays in his house.
Lately he has been really quick to anger which isn’t like him at all so something has to be brewing. Pulling myself to my feet I lick the blood from my lip.
“I deserved that… Who wants to be my scout?” Tobin looks ready to jump on it and I stop him quick.
“Not you my brother, Leilani needs you close by. She is who you need to be with.” Tobin nods but doesn’t look pleased.
“I’ll go, I’m the fastest. Someone is going to have to relieve me though I have a tour coming up. I have to go meet with the woman today, she bought all 10 slots for herself.” Smith is always so quick to point out our flaws. Anderson grunts and gives him a shove.
“Only because you’re the smallest. Sounds like this mysterious woman wants to get you alone, and she is willing to pay to ensure it.” Smith shrugs,
“Name doesn’t sound familiar. I’m heading to meet with her now. I’ll be extra careful given the current situation.”
“Smith, be careful and call us when you get back. The rest of you lot, it’s time to go. Tell those with small children to keep them close to home and everyone else that if they see something to say something immediately. We don’t know what we’re up against or why.” Everyone nods silently before heading to the door.
“Smith, hang back a minute.” When we are alone he quickly chimes in.
“You know I won’t fail you Levi. I’ll protect her like my own.” I clap one of my oldest friends on the shoulder.
“That thought never crossed my mind Smith. I don’t know when she’s going to wake up but I would like Clover to meet you. If we should need you out there I don’t want her to run from you because she’s never seen you before. We’re leaving tomorrow morning. Everyone is coming back tonight for a campfire ritual. I had planned to just bless our journey but I think a little protection is in order.” Smith nods.
“I’ll come by early to meet her. Our ritual won’t bother her tonight right?” I shrug.
“She wants to be a part of our world, this is part of our world. You should probably go, when she wakes up I have a feeling we’re going to get into another fight.”Smith shakes his head and chuckles softly.
“You should really come to terms with this. There is no going back once the mating scent kicks in. Is she in full swing yet?” Leveling with him I sigh heavily.
“Damn near. From the moment she stepped out of my car she was almost in instantaneous heat. She can scent me and her surroundings. I’ve never hear of someone who hasn’t been turned doing that. She’s strong Smith and I want her more than anyone I’ve met before. The first time I saw her I was 13, just before my journey began. I wanted Gia to be wrong and then there she was one day. I was so angry I couldn’t think straight. I still don’t know what to do.” Smith is the first one I managed to come clean too.
“Just be yourself Levi, you’re a good man. You protect your family and would give the very shirt off your back to anyone in need.” I run my hands through my hair damn near pulling it out.
“I’ve tried being nicer to her and do you know what she told me? She told me I was just trying to get into her pants. What do I do with that? If I’m my usual angry, slightly seductive person she thinks I am then she is more at ease.”Smith bursts out laughing and I immediately want to punch him in the mouth.
“You definitely got yourself into a hell of a situation. I can’t help you my friend. I have to go though, I need to talk to his woman about liability issues with it only being the two of us.” I grunt,
“The only liability issue here seems to be your safety. I think she wants to get herself into your pants.” Smith laughs while heading to the door,
“I’ll keep that in mind, it’s been a long while, she may just get her wish. I’ll see you tonight.” I walk smith out and check on Clover before returning to packing my bag.

Rolling over onto my stomach I snuggle into my pillow inhaling deeply. Pine and fresh cut grass? Opening one eye I look around, where am I? Oh no. Sitting up straight quickly I see I’m in Levi’s room and in his bed. How did I get here?
Last night I was cowering in fear under his desk and now it’s dark outside still and I’m in his bed. Did he bring me here? But why would he do that? Taking a deep breath I try to find my balance. I thought he didn’t care, but he must, right? I don’t hear any movement in the house so I lay back down to give myself a few minutes before I have to face him. I know I have to face him sooner or later. My mind goes over different scenarios when I hear the first wolf howl.
Jumping up I run from the room in search of Levi. I can’t do this again! Dashing quickly through the house all the lights are off. I’m seconds away from panic when I see a light flickering through the back kitchen window. Running for the back door I stop before yanking it open.The fire Levi and I sat by last night is now surrounded by Levi, Yanto and 3 other men I don’t know.
They are in traditional native clothing. Two of the men I don’t know are in pants while Levi, Yanto and the 3rd are in honest to God buckskin butt flaps.They all look good but my jaw drops at the sight of Levi. Moving around the circle as one they’re all moving in a slow dance. Levi’s muscles bunch when he moves. Lord if you’re listening please do a girl a favor and let that flap fall to the ground. As if Levi heard me his eyes meet mine while he continues to move. He is so serious, I’ve never seen him look at me like this before. My body responds to that look. My pulse speeds up and my breathing deepens; my core weeps with a need to be touched. I don’t know if his friends see me or not, I don’t even care. I have tunnel vision for Levi. Inhaling deeply I smell him from here inside the house. My head swims and I grab the door frame to keep myself up right. The smell of him and those eyes, it’s like I can feel him touching me. Moaning softly when his eyes look me up and down. My panties soak instantly and his nostrils flare scenting me.
He can’t do that, can he? I’m inside the house! I grip the door frame so tightly my fingers turn white. When he dips to the ground in a low crouch before slowly rolling his body to a standing position emphasizing his hips. My breath picks up leading into a loud moan. Suddenly I can hear them talking, the other men outside. They’re no longer moving in there ritual. They’re watching me, watch Levi.
“She’s close to being in full heat Yanto. I’ve been around woman in heat before but that scent…” Yanto must have smacked him,
“She is Levi’s mate. I’ve never seen a connection so strong with a human before. She is lost in him.” I hear them talking but I can’t react. I should be embarrassed but I can’t take my eyes off of Levi who bounces on his heels before dipping low again. He purses his lips as if he is blowing air at me and my nipples pebble in response. How is he doing this? I can’t wrap my head around any of it. My thighs tighten and I feel like my legs are going to give out. The sensations are too much.
I have enough sense to move away from the door before my hand slips down between my legs.Rubbing over my labia I moan but I still need more. Moving my hand into my panties I cry out when my fingers find my clit. He’s coming for me! I can feel him getting closer with each second. I know I should stop touching myself, should stop preparing myself for him but the sensations are to raw. I’ve touched myself before but it’s never been like this.
The door to my right bursts open. I see Levi breathing heavily, his eyes land on the hand between my legs. I thought he’d come closer but he doesn’t move.
“Don’t stop.” My fingers stroke deeper inside of me, moving quicker. Biting my lip I close my eyes and moan.
“Look at me Clover.” Looking at him again, my eyes are glued to his body and then up to his eyes. This whole scenario is unlike anything I’ve ever done. I’m so close.
“Cum for me clover.” Two twitches of my hand and I cry out in pleasure as my legs give out. With my orgasm in full swing I moan softly when Levi catches me. He holds me close to his chest, his body heat brings all new sensations alive. Now it’s not just me, it’s him. Kissing his chest Levi groans tightening his hold. Laid down on his bed I’m surrounded by his scent. Moving my legs I wrap them around Levi’s waist pulling him in.
Contact with Levi’s hard ready length, my back arches unnaturally when Levi pushes his hips against me.
“Clover.” His deep voice barely manages to growl out my name when he pulls back and away from me. The loss of his heat makes me whimper. I want him back and I want him now. With his hands on my hips and his face just over my womb I don’t know what he’s doing.
“I want you Clover, but not like this. You need to know you’re not just another notch on my bedpost. You’re experiencing emotions you don’t understand yet but you will soon and when you do… you’re mine.” Levi lifts up separating all contact. His eyes bore into mine with each step back toward the door.
“Soon Clover… Soon. Now go to sleep we are leaving early in the morning.” and just like that, he’s gone. I should feel embarrassed or mortified, but I don’t. I feel like I won a battle but not yet the war. Turning over onto my stomach I snuggle into Levi’s bed surrounded by his scent. I don’t have time to go over anything that happened when I fall asleep suddenly.