

If Only You Can Just Be a Subscriber this October!
Congratulations to you for scaling through the month of September. You're now welcome into the astonishing month of October. An October specially distinguished from all other Octobers you've come across. This is an October to open Divine Chambers, if only you can become His Subscriber.
God's Chamber is like a website.
You cannot access it or get information from it if you don't have an active data subscription.

Secondly, you cannot access it if you have active data subscription, but no internet connection.

One of the reasons some people cannot access into God's Chamber is that, they only remember Him when they urgently want to collect something from Him. These people have the Key to the Chambers, but they just don't have the good internet connection to access into this Chamber(good relationship)

These people have spiritual data subscription, but they don't have good internet connection (good relationship) with God. They can pray for hours, fast for months, even praise and worship God and even dance well (Spiritual data), but they don't have a good relationship (good internet connection) with their Maker, that's why they can't access God's Chamber.

You might not know this, but you'll likely be known more and even be a favourite to your browsing network service if you are a frequent Subscriber. That's why you can be given access to benefitting offers and rates, why? It is simply because you're a good patronizer (Relationship).

The offer they'll give to a regular Subscriber and an irregular Subscriber would greatly differ. You just can't compare.

Just like Subscribers to your YouTube channel. They'll always be the first to see your latest videos. These Subscribers don't necessarily have to search for your videos, it's either they go straight to your channel or the videos will just pop up on their screen.

Just like some people still don't subscribe to your channel, but love to search for your YouTube videos to watch whenever they need them. No wonder some people don't go straight to His Chamber, they are always searching for God whenever they want to collect something from God, because they simply don't have a good relationship with God.

That's why once you're a Subscriber to a YouTube channel, you are already part of those that will be seeing the latest videos without necessarily searching for the them.

Why not Subscribe to His Divine channel (Chamber) where you don't need to run helterskelter by searching for Him, Why not have a good relationship with Him where you'll be receiving latest gifts, surprises and blessings?
For He's already with every of His Subscribers, those that have a (good relationship) with Him.

You may want to ask, what should I do to possess the Key to becoming a Regular Subscriber in order to open God's Chamber in this month of October and even beyond.

*O* bey God's Instructions daily.

*C* all Him sweet names everytime and everywhere. He's always blushes wherever a pure heart does this.

*T* hank Him always for the Chamber He has opened, the Chamber He is opening and the Chamber He's still going to open.

*O* pt out of sin always.

*B* oldly proclaim the Gospel of the Lord.

*E* ngage yourself daily in spiritual exercise.

*R* elationship with Him is very paramount and your relationship bundle with Him must be constantly renewed.

Do have a fruitful and prosperous October like never before. Happy New Month🥳

©️ *Adefemi Olajide*