


She's so wet for me baby."
So you tell me, your fingers coming along the length of her spine. I watch as you caress every part of her I'm aching to be touched. Slowly, you let your fingers slide into the delicate spaces that are her ribs. I see your grip tighten as you move up the slope of her breasts. She let's out a small pleasurable squeal and you tighten your grip still.
The tenderness of her breasts, the way her nipples perk up between your fingers.
"Fuck baby, look at her." You say to me. You hold her by the neck and use your other hand to arch her back. On full display for me she is.
"I am baby."
I am, I'm taking all of her beauty in. the roundness of her breasts, the subtleness of her curves. The tendons in her neck where your fingers lay. I watch her at the abdomen rise and fall with shuttered breaths. Shuddered breaths and whimpers because she's not opening her mouth.
Her mouth, your finger tugs at the plump of her lip and she smiles. she smiles and she's so pretty but I can only appreciate it for a moment before you pry her job open. Two fingers between one set of lips. Will you penetrate her, there, like you're doing now? Will she let her juices flow for you like she does her saliva? .
I love what you're doing to her. The way she's trembling, the slickness of her thighs. The way her body Rises and Falls as she moves with your hands. She wants every part of her to be touched by you. I can't wait my turn. The nervous look in her eyes, I can see she wants to please you. You tilt her head to look up at you and she allows her body to relax into sweet smile. She Smiles at you and she's beautiful. " She lowers herself on the bed and rests her head on my thigh. "You have such a pretty pussy don't you." She adverts her eyes. She doesn't know what to do when I say it. Her head shrinks back in embarrassment. She Wiggles her mouth out of a smile before biting her lips. I'm throbbing at the emotions spreading across her face. Joy, confusion, shame. More joy. A little guilt. How did one question do that? Whimpers turn into moans as she becomes loud and frustrated.
Oh,God. The noises she's already making. What will your tongue make her do? I sneak a look at you, you're practically drooling over the sight of hher. I wonder how longer you're going to be such a tease.

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