

Night Blinded - Episode 2b
Ezra pushed the door open and found her sisters gathered, their expressions tense. The air was thick with concern, and her anxiety surged.

"Uhm... if you guys can make space for me to... pass, I'll really... appreciate..." she said, squeezing through them awkwardly.

"What's going on here?" she asked, mixing curiosity and concern.

"Speak of the devil herself," Jess said, arms folded, glaring at Ezra.

"Uhm," Ezra stammered, taken aback. "Could someone explain better?" she asked, confused.

"Don't act tough with me now," Jess accused, shining a flashlight in Ezra's face like a detective.

Annoyed, Ezra tossed the flashlight aside. "Why is everyone looking at me like I stole something?" she asked, frustrated.

"Got her," Jess said, smiling triumphantly.

"Can someone please tell me what's happening?" Ezra pleaded.

Mira, from her bed, said, "My eye medication is missing, and you were the last one here."

"I wanted to borrow it... okay?" Ezra said, her voice wavering. "Wanted to borrow."

"That's stealing," Kersela said disapprovingly.

Ezra blushed. "I wasn't going to keep it."

"Borrowing without asking is still wrong," Mira said softly, disappointed.

"But I gave it back to her," Ezra replied defensively.

"She did, but now it's nowhere to be found," Mira said, frustrated.

"We have found our suspect," Jess declared, wearing a Sherlock Holmes hat.

"Please, not the hat again," Camilla sighed.

"Can we be serious? I need my eye medication," Mira said, her voice breaking.

"Don't look at me, guys! I didn't take it," Ezra protested.

"Then who?" Mira asked, wincing in discomfort.

"I guess your 'sixth sense' was stolen too," Ezra snapped.

"You're just obsessed with drawing. That's why you took it," Astrid said.

"I didn't steal it," Ezra confirmed.

"Mira, did you see anyone who stole it?" Jess asked dramatically, but realizing Mira's night blindness, she quickly dropped her confident stance. "Oh, never mind," she mumbled, embarrassed.

The room fell silent as the sisters processed the situation. Jess, Mira and Ezra's twin sister, exuded vibrant energy in her colorful outfit and bunny ear hairstyle.

Ezra suggested, "Maybe we can all search for it together?"

Astrid agreed. "Ezra is right, let's find that eye medication. It could be under the bed."

Jess, holding a magnifying glass, couldn't resist. "Why do I have a strange feeling it was you, Astrid?"

"What? Me? Seriously?" Astrid responded, surprised.

"Girls, can we just get Mira's eye medication?" Camilla said, pushing them apart gently.

"Should we inform Mom?" Kersela asked hesitantly.

"Of course not," Ezra interjected. "If we do, she'll make me wash dishes for a decade."

The room fell silent. Finally, Mira sighed. "Let's search the house properly."

"Alright, let's split up," Camilla suggested. "Jess, Ezra, and Astrid check the rooms. Kersela and I will search the kitchen. Mira and Ginevra, the living room."

The sisters dispersed. In the living room, Mira and Ginevra sifted through cushions.

"How long can you stay without them?" Ginevra asked, concerned.

"Like about four hours," Mira said flatly.

"I think four hours must have passed already," Ginevra added.

"I should lock my door next time," Mira said, frustrated.

In the kitchen, Camilla and Kersela checked cupboards and drawers.

"Maybe it got mixed up," Kersela suggested.

"Could be," Camilla agreed.

"Have any suspects in mind?" Camilla asked.

"Anyone. Even you," Kersela said bluntly.

"Even me?" Camilla echoed, confused.

Kersela glanced at her. "Look, I don't really think you did it, but we can't rule anyone out."

"Even you are a suspect?" Camilla asked.

"No, just you guys," Kersela smiled.

"Why not you?" Camilla asked.

Kersela shrugged. "I'm suggesting we look everywhere. Makes me less suspicious."

Camilla chuckled. "Fair enough. But if you suggested it, wouldn’t that make you the perfect suspect?"

"True. But if we start suspecting everyone equally, we'll never get anywhere," Kersela said.

Meanwhile, Astrid, Ezra, and Jess searched the bedrooms. "It has to be somewhere," Astrid muttered.

Jess appeared at the doorway. "Let's check the next room," she suggested.

Suddenly, they heard Jess gasp. They hurried to find her in front of their mother's room.

"Are you crazy? No way," Ezra whispered.

They saw their stepsister Shelly, prancing down the hallway. "Oh hey, guys!" Shelly chirped.

Ezra broke the silence. "Are you guys thinking... what I'm thinking?"

"That Astrid is the thief?" Jess joked.

"No," Ezra replied. "Shelly is the thief."

"Now everything makes sense," Ezra added. "I saw her heading towards Mira's room this morning."

Jess ran after Shelly. "Culprit detected," she declared dramatically.

"Let's talk to her about it, without letting the others know," Astrid suggested.

They found Shelly in her room, surrounded by toys. "Hey, Shelly," Ezra began gently. "Can we talk?"

Shelly looked up. "Sure!"

Astrid crouched down. "We were wondering if you've seen Mira's medication."

Shelly hesitated, then sighed. "Fine, yes. I wanted to try something since Ezra didn’t have white paint anymore."

"See, Astrid, I'm not that obsessed with drawing," Ezra said smugly.

"Wait, you took my white paint?" Ezra exclaimed.

"Okay, thanks, Ezra, but don't make this about yourself," Astrid interrupted.

"And Astrid didn’t have ground limestone," Shelly continued.

"My limestone?" Astrid asked, incredulous.

"Okay, Astrid, that's enough," Ezra said.

Astrid took a deep breath. "Shelly, you can't steal. You need to ask."

Shelly looked down. "Oh, by the way, that's not the material you use," Ezra added gently.

"Why didn't you ask us for help?" Astrid added.

"I did, but Ezra ignored me," Shelly mumbled.

"And you can't just take things, especially something as important as Mira's medication," Astrid said.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to finish my costume play," Shelly said.

Ezra added gently, "That's not really the material you use, sweetheart."

"I’m sorry," Shelly said, looking down.

"Let's just get this back to Mira," Astrid suggested.

Before she could finish, Jess bolted out of the room, yelling, "I found it! I found it!"

They followed her to find her holding the medication container. "So after all, it wasn't Astrid, but Shelly," Jess announced.

Astrid and Ezra exchanged exasperated looks. Jess couldn’t resist one last comment. "Well, the mystery is solved. Maybe I should go pro."

Camilla chuckled. "I'm going to eat something," she said.

"Yeah, me too," Kersela added.

"Wait for me!" Astrid called.

Ginevra laughed. "Can someone throw me an apple?"

Jess stood there for a moment, mock-pouting.