

My crush
Hi my name is skylar. I am fourteen years old. I live in a small town called Avalon. and I have a crush on a boy named mark. He is the coolest and cutest boy in school. one day some mean girls hit my books out of my hands I was so mad I got up push her and we started to fight. we went to the principals office and we got detention. Ofter school I went to detention. so while a was in detention bored as hell. he walk in suddenly I wasn't bored anymore. seen like he got detention too. so he sat down beside me. then he look at me and I started to look back at him. then he started to talk to me I was speechless I couldn't say a word. so detention was over I went home and told my mom I couldn't believe the coolest and cutest boy talk to me and I didn't even said hi. I was so mad it myself for not talking back to him. so the next day I went to school i was heading to class when he stop me and start to talk to me this time I talked back to him. he ask me if I can go out with him this Friday night and I was speechless again. I didn't no what to say. then I said yes. I went home and told my mom everything she was so happy for me. I can't believe I'm going out with my crush. A story by:Aaliyah Smith