

a beautiful lady
She chose her cleanest piece of clothing to wear. It was a festival afterall and she wanted to celebrate with everyone else. When she stepped into the street a speeding car drove by splashing dirty water on her.
A tear fell down her cheek. The poor had no right to celebrate...
she drove her thought
back to negativity
she went back to home
and all she did was cried
as tearing were falling
she was recalling
how cruel the world is
whenever she tried
to see his world
beside her a book
full of looks
she want to hate
but she can't
she is so called a pure soul
because she had played a role
life sink
when she think negative
she decided to be postive again
she washed the clothes
she iron them
and she went to celebrate again
this time as he stepped inside the bar
she was so beautiful
clever and she
was thinking she is so cool
noticeble through the dark
her beauty was shining
as starts in night
as pure as light
as beautiful as
flower with scent
she was postive this time
she left negative at the door
which she close
she is so beautiful
❤she set an example and
everyone was approaching toward her
© alone life