

A Lost Little Girl's Smile! chapter sixteen
Well Scotty is home Zadin is working some and everything is kind of getting normal again . Kent is still selling weed and also doing some work for the landlord . But we are doing well . we are starting to build a ramp on our house so we can have Scotty over from time to time Also we are working on setting up a benefit for Scotty because now his income has lowered and Andrea can't work because she has to take care of Scotty. We also put a donation bucket on our coffee table. We are starting a little new side way to make a little extra money also we are buying all kinds of things and reselling them like a flea market kind of . things like knives sets that have different things in them , different clocks ,what nots of all kinds , trays, pictures and other misc
products . We some times set up a booth at the flea market on Fridays and Saturdays
we are getting our house prepared to be able for Scotty to come stay with us we have a bed and a hoya lift we have to go pick up. We also have to go buy him a couple dressers to put his stuff in. Our friend is building the ramp for us with some help as we can get it for him. im trying to work in the inside work. and thing are coming along fine . All of a sudden Kent is mad for some reason . He is yelling throwing things and just being himself .he starts to swing on me and kept hitting me as I tried to get away .He hit me again . finally I got away and went to a friend's for awhile. Til Kent had time to cool off. I hate when he gets that way but I love him and that's why I stay. that and it good sex . But if this keeps up I'm gonna leave him . when I left before I always went back.
© Little Girl Lost 2020
© Lost Little Girls Smile!