

Burn the Books
What information is true? We have loads of books with information that conflicts with each other. We have science books that shove religion out of the way, and religion books that factually state miracles. History books that have inaccurate information stated as facts. Health books that have been updated because scientists and doctors discovered new methods, medications, and body functions. We continue to learn and continue to update our information when we find flaws in our teachings from before. Who is to say we have it right now? What information are you given and you believe? Have you seen the shape of the planet? Or do you base its shape off of what you've been told by someone else? Large groups of people will tell you how round the world is, but about the same amount of those people never actually seen it, and only seen pictures that were shown to them by other people. My main focus on this is not a debate of the shape of the planet, and more about the information that you are given, and how fast you are to decide its probability. Is the world round? Probably, I have never seen it, but I do believe it's round. But really, is it? I grew up around information being told to me and I believed it, and on this day, I now have a part of my brain open for the suggestion that no, it is not 100% fact, it's just high in probability. Will the sun come up tomorrow, probably. I don't actually know, but given the routine, the probability is high.

Why are we so keen on holding to belief based on faith and not proof? I am not saying everyone is 100% one or another, but focusing on the faith fueled belief. Remember being a child and being told Santa wasn't real? I was told a few times. When I would question my mother the truth of his existence, she would insist he was real, and I would be begging for her to tell me he wasn't, and she would continue to inform me he was. Finally one day she told me. This was a moment where my faith was toyed with enough to break it a little. As I grew a little older I started to lose my faith in the religion I was brought up in, and now this day my beliefs don't have a religion, so I made my own. A religious view that is based off of believing whatever you want, and basing it off the foundation of nihilism. Where can I go wrong? Everything within my view is based off of perspective, and not someone else's words, and everyone is able to do so. But some people need more structure, so I don't force my beliefs on anyone, but I do share it. And I do get challenged by heavy religious humans, and it's rather a debate of faith versus, what I would label logic. But like I said, it's all about perspective, neither party is wrong. It's a subjective field. Information is in the subjective field.

The best way to get information is to do the science yourself. So here, let's break down the word science. "The systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation, experimentation, and the testing of theories against the evidence obtained." Oxford definition. So, to really get proper information, is not to gather it from a scientist, but to fill the seat of the scientist. Science isn't information or completed projects, science is a study. You are a scientist if you look at something, test it, experiment with it, and then document your results. You don't need to go to school to be a scientist. You just need a note pad and a subject. Your note pad doesn't even have to be real, you could just mentally document it. Actually, don't use a real note pad, we are going to burn it afterward anyway.

The information you share doesn't ever get transferred 100% anyway. Even everything I have written here and you have pulled into your mind, was filtered through your bias, leading to your own interpretation of my intention. And if you were to go explain what this story was to someone else, in your own words, they wouldn't be getting the same information I intended to deliver. and after generations of passing my information, it would be so convoluted, that it would become something else completely different. Words change their definitions over time, we make new meanings to terms, any book from a century ago wouldn't be read the same today, and if that same book were to be read in a century from now, it would be either be mostly disproven, or misunderstood. So burn it. Information changes as we move forward in time, we evolve, and so do our facts. We have established out of date books, and we burn them. If we were to burn all the books we have today, and deleted all information, and started new, we wouldn't have near the same information. Science books will tell you the speed of light cannot change, and we have scientist making documentaries about how often light speed changed. Black holes were seen as a hole, leading to somewhere of the unknown, and now they are seen are solid objects.

Why do we even need information? What are we actually using it for? As humans, we tend to try to live as long as possible and try to make our species last for as long as possible, and carrying our information seems like the best bet. but is it? Birds don't document anything, they don't use science, and they seem fine, actually, they seem better. The life of a small bird is to eat food, find a mate, hatch some chicks, feed them and do this for a couple years. I never seen a country of birds build a bomb and send it to another country of birds. Birds don't kidnap other birds and sell them for large amounts of money. Birds definitely have it better. Humans don't need to survive, I would actually rather see us do better. Humanity was a mistake we created. We hurt ourself every second, and hurt the planet, and are a virus, a mistake, we are broken and deserve extinction.

But who am I to tell you what is what. This is just what I think, and you can use it as a source, or you can full on believe it as fact, or even push it aside as information that is false, it's really up to you. Everything is up to you. If you truly believe it, then it is true to you, and that is all that really matters.

© Envelope Penelope