

The girl I once known
episode 2:
when we got to my house, we went to the sitting down and I sat her down, "you have a wonderful house", she said" Thanks, now tell me, ada!how on earth do you end up a runs girl" "hmmm..." she inhale"it was a long story and I don't even know how to start but let me start like this......"
"I was on my way home from school one sunny afternoon, just as I was about to enter our compound, I noticed the crowd in our compound and I can feel the sadness in the air, as I entered our sitting room, my eye first meet my uncle whom it have been decades since he visited last, then I saw my mother wailing with her eyes all swollen and my elder brother crying and my younger sister just staring with sad eyes, I don't know what to make of their actions then I looked around and I didnt see my dad because on a normal day he should be back from work, as an engineer he closes from work 1:30pm but lastest 2:00pm but this is 3:00pm and he is not yet back, I dropped my bag on the center table, went to my brother and ask him" where is my daddy?brother, and by the way what's happening here?"he didnt answer"well, that's none of my business, where is my dad?is he not back from work yet?"still no response"mum, why are you crying?is something the matter?why are the family members here?where is Dad?"no response just crying but now I was getting really angry"why is noone answering me?where the hell is my dad?", I shouted"where is my daddy, daddy!where are you?!where in heaven's sake is my Daddy!!!!!!"then my brother came to me and said"Ada, calm down " "there is nothing to be calm about, all I want to know is where my dad is, please tell me where my dad is" I replied, he then pointed to the bedroom, I ran hastily inside an saw my daddy's lifeless body all embanded, I quickly sat beside him, feel his body but all was cold, I lifted his hand and it dropped lifeless"Jesus!!yeh!!Daddy!Daddy!!!Please don't do this to me, please daddy , its I , your daughter, your only Ada, daddy, get up!get up!I know you are just sleeping, so please stand up!!"my brother came into the room and pull me up but I pushed him away"get up Ada, let him rest" "No!Never!, he want to sleep?let me sleep with him so that he won't feel lonely" "Ada!please!I know you are hurt but there is nothing we can do" "No!!there is actually something not if I go with him" "what are you saying?go to where? " please, brother, I want to sleep with my dad as you can see he is exhausted from work all day, please let him rest", I said finally and slept beside my dad.That was all I remembered, after I woke, I saw myself I the guest room.I stood up and ask my brother where my dad is and he told me that he have been buried, I wept for days, days turn into weeks as I have become so thin from wailing and not eating, my mum and sibling were really worried because things have become so hard for us, when my dad's relative have shared all his properties among themselves leaving us with the bungalow we lived in.Then my mum decided to send me to lagos maybe a change in environment will change me .After a week which I arrived at lagos in my aunt's house , aunt lawrence was so kind that I soon started to forget all about everything and I was regaining my weight and true self rapidly, I was really happy with aunt and her husband because they are very kind but sometime I feel worried with the way uncle was kind to me, he was just too kind that I can't help but think that he was up to something.
Few months later, I was in my bedroom sleeping since aunt have gone out very early in the morning and won't be back until late at night when i felt someone hand on my body, at first I thought it was some flies playing trick on me but move went further to my p**** an i hurried up to find my........

OMG!!!!who can that be???!!
you wanna find out???😉😉
like for the next episode❤❤❤
cuttie mariana🖊