

My Strange Memories with Monkeys😂
Everyone knows that monkeys love snatching food from people who carry them.
But would you believe someone who didn't allow the monkey to snatch it rather bring it from the monkey?
Yes! It was me😅 The eight year old me.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

Well, I was in my granny's house with all my cousins. As I was the eldest present there; I was told to bring some snacks for my cousins. So, I went to the nearby grocery shop and bought some chips. At that time it was my favourite, it's name was 'TOFO', It cost only 1 rupee at that time, so I used to buy a lot of it; around 30 packets😂😂😂. All my cousins insisted to come with me but I took the second eldest cousin with me. While returning all the kids gathered near me so my hand was directed towards the main gate. And I felt someone holding it from there too, I thought it to be one of my cousins and turned back to scold. As soon as I turned back, it was not my cousin, It was a monkey!!!!! Usually when a monkey tries to take the food, people give it, but I was one of a kind, it tried to snatch my favorite snack, and would I give it? No way😂😂I screamed so loudly that all the people in the locality gathered there, even the monkey was scared of my scream and it stepped a little back. Then I ran just like an athlete, and went to the veranda which was about 600 m from the main gate!!! I was so scared, that I left my youngest sister who was three, near the gate, with the monkey😅 she didn't know anything and was smiling seeing the monkey. Gosh! Thank god it didn't do anything to my sister. When the monkey went away all my aunts,my grannies and even my cousins laughed at me for being so greedy that I didn't give those snacks to the monkey😂😂😂. That moment is still in my mind. Even when I am writing this, I am laughing loudly.
After some days, I was returning back to home with some of my cousins. I was waiting for my mother to come from the sweet shop in the car and suddenly, I saw a monkey sitting on the roof of someone's house. In my granny's town, monkeys are like street animals. So there was one sitting there. I called my cousins to see it sitting in such a strange manner and we started laughing. And to my surprise, even the monkey started laughing 🙄🙄🙄🙄. For the first time in my life I saw a strange monkey like that, laughing at us.😅I think it was the same monkey from whom I snatched my snacks and that monkey too must be recalling that moment and laughing at me!!!🙄🙄😂😂.
So, these are some of my strange memories with monkeys 😂😂😂

#granny's_house #fun #strangememories