

I kNow sHe wIll neVer bReaK hEr promIse😊
The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table.

I remember...
Four years ago...
At the Same place..same time...
[It was 19:00🕖]
I was waiting for my love... to express my feelings to her...to tell her that she is my love...
( She was a dancer💃. when she dance,she looks like a beautiful peacock dancing.
she never breaks her promise and this is one of the most interesting qualities she has.
Once..on my birthday... she promised me that she will meet me and give me a gift... that day she unfortunately had a dance competition... and she left the competition and met me .... she never breaks her promise what ever may happen. )
That day...She was late.. she called 📲 me and said that she will come at 20:00🕗

But, she didn't come...

From that day till today... I keep coming to the same place , same table and same time..on the same date.....The picture of her coming towards me..and I telling her that she is my love..and she smiling... always runs in my mind .....and I keep waiting for her ... . nearly till 12🕛 in the night ....

But , one of my close friends always take me back to home from that place ..he drags me to my house..... he says that ... she is gone... and... she will never come back...
But, I know that she will never break her promise and I will definitely meet her one day and tell her that she is my love😊