

Riding My Bike
As I'm riding down the block,

I hear my tools jiggle in the smaller compartment where they're stored.

It's just a little distraction.

It's trying to pull me away from my paradise.

I cross the intersection...
A few bumps in the road.

It's good thing I bought
a new seat, because the old one was dreadful.

I can still see her face.
It plays back in my mind,
along with old memories of her and I.

It reminds me of a scene from a movie. When someone dies and their life flashes before their eyes.
All their memories, good and bad.

We were holding hands, while walking in a nice neighborhood,
looking at houses and picturing ourselves in one of them.
running down the stairs with excitement, egar to sit at the family dinner table and be a Dad.

Putting our feet on the coffee table after a long day of work while ingesting it all.
A man in his new kingdom that he can call his own, and Lady Rib, beside him, as a perfect puzzle piece to make the picture stand out right.

I remember when she was on top of me. Early morning, as we awoke, leaning elegantly towards my lips to greet me with a kiss. Her way of saying,.."Good morning Love". I lay there amazed, staring at the outline of her hair and face, due to the lighting in our room.
Thinking to myself.."I love this woman".


Don't even tell me!

A flat tire!

I knew it!

life hates me.

How many tires do I have to go through.

Good thing I got two extra tubes in my backpack.

Good thinking on buying that handheld pump.

We were young and full of life.
Just trying to figure it all out .
Her beauty is captivating, making me proud that she chose me.

Rubbing our faces together.

Jabbing your cheek with my nose.
Ridiculous ways girls make you act when you love being around their energy.

It's a red light.
I better push the cross walk button.

There sure is a lot of traffic

I remember when I was nineteen.
My door bell rang. It's her. It's funny how I act concerned about who is at my door, When I know it's her. I can't be too obvious that I'm glad to see her.

I open the door... she steps through with quick intent of hugging and kissing me.
I guess I don't have to be obvious, because we were obviously in love. The type of love that'll make you cook for someone.


"Watch where you're going"!

"You almost hit me"!

I better Lock it up.
The last thing I want is for someone to steal it
I have to come in here to get the drink that I like.
Nah.. forget it. the line is too long. I should just go home.

I remember us conversating while I drove us to stores. She used to nudge my hand to let me know that she wanted to hold it.
"I can drive with one hand".

I remember when we were on a family trip and I'm trying to be funny to make light of the long hours it takes to get there. Her attitude bossy, because the kids are getting on her nerves from fighting.

Yup, there she goes again. Nudging my hand to let me know she wants to hold it... "This time you better put it on my lap, because the road is windy".

I better pull the handle bars up. I don't want to get a flat tire going over this curb.

I better close the gate I don't want the dog to run out.

This is the part I hate, trying to make myself fall asleep because I'm alone.

Well just look at it this way. If you wake up tomorrow, you can ride your bike again.

© Chris Gonzales