

Broken to realization
Love they say is a beautiful thing!
Buh I only experience the ugly things in it.
I love him so much, that's a sure thing.
But why does he have to break up on our 3rd year anniversary?

Or he still moves with Cynthia after he made me believe he left her?
My 3 years of endurance and patience just gone like that!
I argued when Flora told me she saw them together.
OMG, I have been so irrelevant!

Now, I have to pick my broken self up.
Dust the dirts on my weak body.
Add some values to my self, and get dolled up.
The incoming king will know I'm not just anybody.

I'm a Queen and I should be treated like one.
I now walk in that consiousness.
My type is limited therefore, I'm second to none.
I am love itself, I will always walk in that consiousness.