

Jack and Diane
Jack and Diane
This isn't a little ditty or a song to make you feel good. The names have been changed for reasons. The people that know me will guess who this is about!
I meet Jack when we were working together to telemarketing company. I was a 17 year old kid who thought he was a man because I had a kid on the way. Jack and Diane were together at this point. Diane was pregnant with Jack's kid. I smoked weed at this point in my life maybe did pills a few times. Sad when I think about it how I used to be anti hard drugs. Jack and Diane had already been drug users before this we only smoked a little bit of weed together. My 1st run with hard drugs I don't think me and Jack used together not more than once or twice. My drug use in my early days was in cycles. Use for awhile stop, use for awhile then stop. I started to use heroin whenever I was 18 the story takes place whenever I was 22. Me, Jack , and Diane would use together all the time. for a little humor I use a Dane Cook line since this was back in a day we'll say it was a Wednesday( whenever you say back in the day it was always a Wednesday). I wake up around 11:00 a.m. call Jack tell him to come over and let's get high. We had just hit a score last night. We snuck into an industrial building and stole about 75 to 100 ft of copper wire and burnt the rubber off in my yard. I'd hung out and grab the shower before they came over. I get my shot ready and Jack, and Diane came into my room as I'm getting my shot ready Sublimes Santeria is playing over the computer.
Diane says as she comes into the room " Jack, I'll bet you your shot Wagner just got done doing his shot, or he's doing it now". I've gone high with him a hundreds of times most junkies have a ritual they follow. Santeria is my favorite song, and it's one of my top five getting high songs. Jack's reply "I'll bet you my shot against a blow job , we go in there he didn't do it yet." Jack had called me and said don't ask just do it. don't get high till we're there! I had thought it was weird he had made this request until I heard that. I'm laughing when they come in pointing at Diane " He's going to get high 1st good luck with that. We're all laughing at this point as we proceed with our rituals of getting high. For the most part it was a typical day. Went into town to their place by the scheetz. At 22 I didn't have a care in the world. I was the youngest one of us. Why would we. When you're in your 20s you think I have my life in front of me. Most of the time we would just be listening to music or watching stuff we downloaded. The day was mixed with us getting high all day long on heroin, and smoking weed. Jack and Diane would disappear to their bedroom for once in awhile to have some fun. I I called a woman friend over to their place we kept the party going. I'm going to say around 3 A.M Jack and Diane said they were going to have some fun and then they were going to sleep. Jack tells me" not to nut on his couch" and they go to their bedroom. We can hear them from the living room so me and"random girls name" decide to make it a contest to see you can get louder. Jack won when they were done, he comes out and tells me to"step my game up said he was going to get high, then to bed. I wake up the next day. You have to go through their bedroom to get to the bathroom. I use the bathroom go over to their bed. I realize Diane is laying there crying. I finally see it Jack had gotten up before everyone else to use the bathroom gone high and overdosed. He was dad and we knew we couldn't bring him back. I told Diane "not to do anything or make any calls we have to clean this up (meaning get all the drugs out of the house now I'll hide them). I stash everything and we call 911. I was 22 Jack was 23 maybe 24. Diane was 24th this time. This story didn't happen. Jack and Diane were real people that I used to get high with. They're both dead. Diane was a suicide because she was the victim of a domestic violence act after they had split up. She had gotten beat with a hammer and it left her looking different than before. I have more respect for Jack than most people know. Not only was he one of my best friends but close to the time Diane's ex was going to get out of prison for the assault I called Jack made the offer to do to him with the hammer what he had done to her. Not only did he ask me not to take that kind of revenge he wanted me to promise that I wouldn't do anything at all. I thinking away he had always still loved her, and she wouldn't have wanted that. Jack has been dead for less than a year now. We would joke around with each other all the time and "plan" out our overdoses. Or at least what we think would be a cool last day on Earth if you didn't know it was our last day. My overdose day was pretty much the same thing a bunch of bullshit. Looking back now I know that if he would have known that if he used that day what would have happened to him or if he knew he if he ever used again it was going to be his last, he wouldn't have used again, or you would have picked a better last day. Jack had beaten his demons for the most part he wasn't a constant user anymore a "weekend warrior" what will you call someone that doesn't use all the time. Id definitely pick a better last day of I knew. I probably wouldn't do anything other than smoke a little weed. I'd probably go back and tell some of the people that I've heard over the course of my life what they mean to me. I'm sure if he could have he would of. Love you Jack!

© Jason Wagner