

Mr. Perfect chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Working in Parker Industries
I woke this morning early took a shower, I wore a peach shirt with black pants and blazer and finished it with black heels, I went to the kitchen and cooked some breakfast for me and Mia, I had mine and then went to Mia's room, she is still sleeping, I woke her up " Mia I have done breakfast have it, I'm leaving now for work sleepy head, bye" I said caressing her hair as though I'm saying to a small child, she just said in half sleep "bye baby" I smiled and left my apartment, drove my car to a coffee shop that I saw yesterday nearby Parker industries, I bought two coffee one for Mr. Parker and one for myself, I entered the office and saw the lady in the reception, I went to her " Hi, good morning I'm Andrea and I will be your new friend from today " I said extending my hand, she smiled " Good morning, I'm Esther Davis and I'm happy to see you again, u have made it girl, sure I got a new friend " she took my hand happily "OK then Mrs. Davis I will see u for lunch"

"OK my girl " I waved her a bye and took the elevator to my floor, I was fifteen minutes early, I went to my boss office and placed his coffee on his table while having mine I read through the schedules of Mr. Parker for the day, there was not so much only two meetings, one was at 10.30 and other was at 2.30 in the noon, I double-checked all the files before going to his office I knocked at his door and I heard him 'come in' I opened the door and placed the files on his table "you have meeting at 10.30 with Mr. James Steele from Steele corporation " I slowly turned to leave while he stopped me saying "Ms. Finley I need all the records of Steele corporation from last six years" why is he not even looking at me while talking to me "OK Mr. Parker is there anything else," I asked he was still looking at his file and said, "there's a charity event this weekend and you have to attend with me"." Ok I said and left the office and later I submitted all the records he has asked for and the meeting went on about two hours and I finally went to the reception "Ms. Davis let's go for lunch I am hungry " She smiled " call me Esther and come on I was just waiting for you" we both headed to canteen we ordered for pasta and talked about work and family over lunch. later I finished the works for the day and left the office.

It's almost one week here, today was a hectic schedule,It was almost three when the fifth meeting was over. Later I was back in my office just then my phone rang it was Mia

"Hello, baby",

"Ana I will pick you up today, let's enjoy this weekend with a party celebrating for your job"

"I'm sorry Mia I have to go with my boss for the charity event tonight "

"oh is it" she sounded unhappy

"Mia why don't we go tomorrow "

"sure baby that's sounds good, bye then "

"bye baby " I finished

I raised my head only to see my boss standing at my office and sprang from my chair in shock, his face was cold " No personal calls while on work Ms. Finley " he said irritatedly, " I.. I'm sorry " I said while he left my office, oh God why he's so intimidating.

I finished all my works for the day and was about to leave before I went to his office and asked " Is there anything you want me to do before I leave " and he simply nodded and I left.

I was home and Mia was eating chips and watching Netflix I called for her "Baby help me for the event" she immediately got up "I am always up for it baby" she said walking to my closet while I went to take a quick shower, Mia had selected two dresses one was white and gold and another one was blue, I selected the blue maxi dress,
I paired it with a simple earring and a bracelet,
Mia did my makeup and hair finally I finished my look with blue heels,
I swirled and looked at Mia to say something and she did " Baby you look gorgeous." I smiled and suddenly my phone started to ring and it was my boss I immediately attended it nervously


"Ms. Finley, how long should I wait in front of your apartment"

what?! is he here to pick me up?

"I'm sorry but you didn't tell me that you will pick me up"

he immediately replied

"I told your coming with me then who you are expecting to pick you up, Ms. Finley"

"oh sorry Mr. Parker, I will be right down in two minutes"

"make it fast" he cut the phone,

what?! isn't two minutes fast!

Mia asked looking at my serious face "what happened ?"

"My boss is waiting for me down I gotta go bye," I said, grabbed my clutch and ran to the elevator, I walked out and saw Mr. Parker leaning on his car, his face was irritated I know it's because of waiting, I slowly walked while reading his appearance, he was wearing a blue Armani suit which fitted well on his body, his hair was slicked back, am I ogling my boss I thought to myself and started to walk faster, he looked down at his watch and turned to my side to ask something but stopped, his face expression changed from anger to calm, he didn't speak a word he opened the door of the passenger side I quickly sat in, though he was full of attitude he is a gentleman, we both didn't talk anything until we reached the event place.

© AJ