Sunrise: The New Start
In a small town nestled between rolling hills and a sparkling river, lived a young girl named Eliza. Eliza had big dreams and even bigger expectations placed upon her by herself and those around her. She was known for her intelligence, creativity, and boundless energy. But with each passing day, Eliza felt the weight of these expectations pressing down on her, often leaving her feeling overwhelmed and inadequate.
One morning, Eliza woke up feeling particularly disheartened. She had spent weeks preparing for the town’s annual science fair, but her project had not turned out as spectacular as she had hoped. As she sat by the window, watching the sunrise, she found herself contemplating giving up. What was the point of...
One morning, Eliza woke up feeling particularly disheartened. She had spent weeks preparing for the town’s annual science fair, but her project had not turned out as spectacular as she had hoped. As she sat by the window, watching the sunrise, she found herself contemplating giving up. What was the point of...