

Mikitaka pisses with a homie (jjba)
Very headcannon heavy
weird and potentially gross as well
read at your own risk

Mikitaka felt scared. This was a feeling he wasn't accustomed to. Fear, that is. He was often calm in situations where his life wasn't in danger, but right now, he didn't know what to think.

It had started off so simple and innocent. Josuke had wanted to show him how things work for humans on Earth. At first, it was with an anatomy book. specifically, Mikitaka learned of all the intricate little details of the inner workings of the human body. Although he didn't really understand the fuctions of most of these organs, Mikitaka was able to perfect his shapeshifting ability so that his innards resembled and fuctioned as any other humans would. That, oddly enough, was the easy part.

Mikitaka came to learn that humans consumed things much differently than him. There were things you could and coudn't eat, and rather than consuming things based on their size and texture, humans consumed things based on their makeup, or rather, ingredients. This was odd. Mikitaka was used to taking whatever he could into his body in order to sustain himself, but the human body had a much more complex system. Their bodies had to take certain things out of what they consumed in order to utilize it. Or, at least Josuke said it was something like that. Mikitaka was having trouble understanding the concept of digestion. Regardless, here he was now.

Josuke had taken him to a restaurant in order to try some foods. Apparently, humans ate differently depending on the time of day, which only further confused him. This time of day, the eating was called, 'lunch.' Mikitaka took great discomfort in learning that the first thing he'd eaten on Earth was, in fact, not food, but rather a facial cleansing tool. How embarrassing! Luckily, he forgot about it once he was eating more normally. He tried a strange thing Josuke called, 'sandwich' along with some strange, tingly, yet sweet red liquid he couldn't remember the name of.

It had only been a sort while after this that the feeling started. Him and Josuke were walking back to his house when he felt a dull kind of pressure in his lower abdomen. He dismissed it at first, but as time when on, it only seemed to get worse. One of his organs felt as if there was some sort of fluid building up inside of it. This was concerning, but if this was normal for humans, he could at least bear it for now. For Josuke.

Mikitaka forced himself to focus on the task at hand. Learning how nicknames work.

"So, if I call Okuyasu, 'Oku,' it's not because it takes too long to say his whole name, but rather because I'm using his shortened name like a term of endearment."

"I see, so, since I like you, I can call you...Jojo?"

"Yeah! You got it!" Josuke smiled, flushing lightly.

"I'm glad to be pleasing you." Mikitaka smiled, but soon shifted in discomfort and grunted, turning away to hide his face. Seeing this unusual behavior, Josuke stopped everything immediately.

"Are you ok?" he whispered.

"In truth, Josuke...I enjoyed lunch, but I think it did something strange to me..."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Josuke scratched his neck.

"May I utilize the internal anatomy image?"

"Of course! Here..." the paper was handed to Mikitaka.

"Here. I've been feeling a fluid buildup in this organ. It keeps getting worse." concern was apparent in Mikitakas voice as he explained his problem, "Do you know what's happening?"

"Oh...uh...yeah...I do, but...well..."
Josuke gulped.

"Is it something bad?"

"No! It's totally normal! I just...I thought you already knew about this kinda thing...oh, this is gonna be super awkward..."

"I'm sorry..." Mikitaia frowned.

"Don't be! Just...follow me and...please don't make this any weirder than it has to be." Josuke sighed and lead Mikitaka to the bathroom, "So uh...I'll be honest with you, here, someone your age learning this kind of stuff from...anyone, really...it's super not normal...You usually learn it as a baby and stuff..."

"Oh...I see..." Mikitaka felt himself begining to become embarrassed as well.

"Just stand here..." Josuke guided Mikitaka to the toilet, lifting the seat, and...uh...you take...uh...your..."

"I t-take my genitals out?" Mikitaka gulped.

"Yeah..." Josuke squeaked, looking away, "then you point it at the water and kind of just...let go, I guess?"

"And that's safe to do?" Mikitaka's voice was higher than normal.

"Yeah. You're supposed to do it as soon as you can..."

"Ok...here it goes..." Mikitaka took a breath in and released the squeeze he had on the liquid. It began rushing out of him at an alarming rate. He felt himself beginning to panic, "Jojo!? What's happening!?" His voice shook.

"Relax! You're just taking a piss, man...You're ok! It's the liquid stuff your body doesn't need..."

"Your bodies don't just use everything?" Mikitaka asked with genuine surprise.

"Well, no...they can't..." Josuke shrugged.

"Ah...interesting...this feels funny..." The liquid stopped soon enough and Mikitaka found himself sighing while putting away his manhood.

"You get used to it."

"Um...Josuke. You mentioned liquids...What about the solids your body doesn't need?" Mikitaka washed his hands as he asked this. Josuke paused, took a moment to think about it, then put his face in his hands.

"Oh no!"