

You know it's been long
And i think the time is right,
I've waited long for this
And i hope I'll serve you right. .
I know i promised you a write up but its not that easy to paint you on paper. I was running behind a lot of things.. the deep and the complex, the curious and the mindful , and somewhere down the line i forgot where i came from, where i bunkered for the never ending journey, .the less feared end, shallowness...the beauty of it...., the pebbles, the waves and the occasional wrinkles...Yes you know it, how a stretch of pebbles of all different shapes and sizes washed and sieved by water, having a blue tinted sky for it to lean on with angelic clouds as the foundation can spread your lips out wide and your heart to brim. Immersed yet projecting everything that they are and everything that they wanna be.. Shining a little brighter every time a wave hits them, lighting up your heart, levitating it, drugging you into forgetting all your twinges and your scars, forcing you into admiration.. Into absolute adornment to the world, all the way back to the end you once called home.
That amoebic little thing stuffed and puffed with joy and positivity, with cuteness and elegance ,a radiant one, that makes you smile with your eyes shut and with a bigass dimple on your face, the one that you'd indubitably and undoubtedly call a devilish angel. The kind that's gonna pick you up by your collar hang you by a branch, one with hanging mangoes on it, and tell you that the essence lies in purity and not depth, with two puppy eyes glued onto your confused ones and ripe mangoes hanging by your hanger.
I hope i served you right..!!