

When love dies (Chapter 7)
I wake up to yelling upstairs. I crawl to the stairs and listen. It's Titan! "I told you not to touch her!"
"She wasn't listening!"
"I don't care you didn't feed her, or give her water, she's just trying to go home."
"For minute it sounded like you were defending here after you kidnapped her."
"The only reason she's here is to give us information. So get out!" I hear footsteps and then a door slam. I crawled back over to the pole and layed down. I was thirsty very thirsty, and somewhat hungry. I see Titan open the door with a plate and a water jug. "Thorn I am.." I cut him off. "Titan!" I jump up and hug him almost knocking the food off the plate. He stayed quiet. Boy, was I happy to see him. I felt something his my back and it was a mask. "I'm sorry Titan I didn't mean to. Really I.."
"Thorn, it's fine I put that on so you wouldn't turn me in when you got out."
"Get out? Imma gonna get out!?!"
"Of course, we have no need not you after the robbery."
I feel the pain in my legs begin again and I stumble to the ground.
"He really hurt you didn't he?"
"I'm gonna take you upstairs, and into a room but you need a blind fold and your hands tied. If you struggle you'll have to go back to the basement."
"I don't think I could struggle, even if I wanted to." He took a rope out his pocket and grabbed a rag from the bathroom downstairs. After he was done he picked my and carried me up the stairs. When we got to the door, I was finally for the first time happy.
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