

Mermaid On Land
She came from the ocean. Her name is Alayah. She is a mermaid. Her parents are mermaids too, but interesting enough, Alayah was born with the ability to breathe in air and under water. She has a mermaid tail and human feet. In which turns into tail or feet on its own. The tail hides her feet til she uses them. Alayah and her parents
made an agreement that the only time she is allowed to go on land is her 18th birthday. As months and days had passed Alayah awaited the day to feel the sand on her feet.  When the day finally came she quickly hugged her parents and swam up to the surface. As Alayah popped her head out of the water, scanned the area with her eyes and quickly swam to the shore. Her tail switched to legs and feet automatically.
She ran! She skipped and she leaped!
Alayah was so happy to be on land. She saw a man coming towards her. He was handsome and she couldn't resist. Alayah noticed a bag in his hand, that was empty too.  He quickly ran up to her and snatched her up and suffocated her as evidence for a land and sea living mermaid. Alayah's parents were outraged as to why she hadn't come back home. Days passed and they knew something bad had happened. They knew it was a bad idea to let her go and that they won't be able to find out because they only have tails. Now they celebrate her birthday every year whose day loved her so much. Alayah will rest in peace in their hearts and minds.

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