

Is life Meaningless ??
Born as homo sapiens, we humans have to endure the struggle for survival and the agony of death...we are the highest form of being on this planet, astrology predicts our life path that makes us believe in Karma and the rebirth loop.

There can be many layers to human existence at a macro level, however when we eye ball the evolution of mankind, there is nothing more to humans than mere bones, skin, blood,that is all raw and temporary. Life seems to hold no much meaning than a fragile existence that can thrive a lifetime and perish upon various adversities.

Then there is money, materialism, fame, success, health, relations, competition, jealousy, career, greed, status, rule, power, religion, beliefs, ideologies, purpose, spirituality and a zillion other concepts that add to the complexity of human experience.

Where do we go after death ?? Is life meaningless...?

The theory of Nihilism is somewhat true, but if we believe in the philosophy of "nothing matters"
there would be so much violence and chaos in the society, where anti-social elements can get away despite being a potential harm to the civic system.

Hedonism on the other hand looks more relavent but only in the time frame where we survive, also how can one possibly enjoy and amass wealth all their lives ..and what about the times of departure i.e the end of life ...does being hedonistic matter anyway ??

Death is the ultimate LEVELLER...the purpose of death is to detach us from worldliness, relations, materialism, objects, also from sorrows and happiness..

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