

Am I dead ?
Have you ever wondered if you are still alive or if you are somehow dead and dreaming what's happening in your life?

Sometimes it feels like I have a moment of full conscious or awareness. In that moment I think "I am dead". Then I keep wondering if I am, in fact, dead and dreaming.

My body often feels cold, even when it's warm in the house or outside. I suddenly feel as if I am surrendered by a block of ice. Then suddenly my brain send me some sort of memories, flashback or glimpse into the reality; I see myself, curled up in some tree roots, the snow is falling slowly, I see how pale I am and the blood on my wrists. I can feel that I am barely alive, fading away... Somehow it is peaceful...

And thus I wonder; Am I dead? Am I dreaming my life?

© Nogh(Challier_Melody)