

Nazia Tul Fatah |Story|
Happiness is Jannah
Bristi Binte Shagor
One day a boy was playing with ball alone. At evening he has to stop playing and needed to go back home. so he was running. Suddenly he falled down and got injured, and he begun to cry and said "Oh Father, Father, where are you? missing you father, i know you will never come back in the world, father, i got hurt, listen to me". after a few time his father stood near him, he said " Dear boy, stand up, you are little, you are small, dont cry, baba, one day, you will grow up, then you will never cry for a little injury." After some time, His fathers shadow melt with air, and boy stood. "I am strong and i will be more stronger than anyone by blessing of Allah"the boy said. One day his mother was crying for she was not able to give the boy new cloth of Eid. The boy again began crying and said, " O dear father, where are you? My mother is crying, please come here and console her". His father again said "Oh dear son, i know you will grow up one day, and you will be able to buy a new cloth for you and for your mother." and again he melt down. The boy replied " I know, im strong and i will be more stronger than anyone by the grace of almighty Allah, one day, one day, i will buy a new cloth for my mother, and she will be proud for me as much as you would ".