

Self evolvement (unfolding)
Points to be notes down when the person is in misery of the conditions like not trusting ownself, blaming ownself, thinking that they are weak, not being truthful to ownself, always getting failure.
Differenciate the pros (good) and cons(bad) things which you have as a person.
For example,
Pros should be -following a constructive way
-being positive
-not doing stuff which make others n ownself hurt.
Cons should be - not being true to ownself
-always stepping back because of fear
-taking negative things too seriously and getting stuck on that.
Step 2
After noting down this points try to understand cons hence cons are the reasons which creates problem to ownself and others too. They are like a bad vibe which only make us fragile in the front of our own eyes.
Step 3
We always make ourself so weak and negative that we become afraid to face reality and keep running from that.
Infact if the other person advices us to change particular habit or thing we became anxious just because we don't want to face that facing that hurts us.
Why we don't think face it let it go forever its much much more better than getting stuck blaming and runing from it.
Underestimating and overestimating are the biggest mistake which put us in problem.
It will make us powerful enough to accept the reality. Our strength will increase it will build the guts to work on and improve on other cons.
As the procedure will go on you will be trustfull truthfull to own self. You will nit anymore become conjusted to hide. Your way of looking thinking tackling handling reacting speaking will change forever.
As a person this was the biggest part of my evolution and i think it must go on as we keep on going through this we make ourself better human that believes in being happy satisfied by ownself.
#Motivate #motivation_for_success #inspiration #evolvingbeyondlimits #process_of_success