

My experience taught me
All these years I thought love is like love between mom and dad
Living together in every situation and making life beautiful together..
But my experiences taught me that love doesn't lead to marriage no matter how deeply you love someone..
In my life I only accepted the one who loved me thinking that accepting someone who loves me is better than I choose to love someone unknown. Because I was afraid of getting rejected..
All these years I felt being loved by someone is greater than chosing to love someone unknown..
I accepted those who proposed me and in my experience
One taught me that religion matters for marriage no matter how deeply you love each other..
second one taught me that lakhs of money is needed for marriage no matter how madly you love each other
Third one taught me that "loving someone mean prepare to let him go from your life one day" because he is attracted to someone new, no matter how truly you loved each other and promised to get marry..
I know that we should let them go if they are not alive but no one taught me that we should leave them thinking that they are dead while they are still alive..
All these break ups are like wounds and stitches in my heart..
I couldn't bear it nor I couldn't die so I survived with words of god..
But one day my heart started pounding for one soul like he brought me back to life from ashes to love again..
I didn't know that I shall love again after all had happened.
This time I proposed him believing to my heart..
I don't know what is my future but I do know that I'm living, I have a future and I'm in love right now..
What I can do is I can give my best in this lifetime. Even if I'm hurt, I give freedom to let him go to his will but never stop him to love me.
We don't have a right to cage someone for our sake. Maybe they would have a better life than being with us.
I sometimes feel what's the point of loving someone if we have to let them go away from us, what's the point of leaving someone you loved truly, deeply and madly.
I didn't understand this but I do understand that nothing is mine on this earth but it is great to be loved by someone and to have someone who loves you till you leave your last breathe one day..
I'm afraid of another heartbreak after all wounds I've gone through.Thinking of heartbreak my heart aches, I was depressed and sad to that extrant that I had headache and was feeling nauseaus..I didn't wanted to be like this so I took deep breaths and said to myself that "Faith can move mountains" so I'll be with positive thoughts because positivity can bring miracles and happiness in you and around you..
I'm a giver and I shall give all happiness to my best possibilities and will show a beautiful life in my world..
I'm a beautiful creation to show my universe that is manifested for you and others..
I shall be a "light that has no Hurt" and a "Heart with no Pain".
I've gained enough pain to tell others not to feel pain.
Pain is no pain if you don't let it in your heart.
Just live happily every second and glow the lives of others..
In our lives our experiences are teachings for someone who is in need..
Watch and learn from your experiences and do good to others.🙂
Let us treat pain as a lesson and happiness as a light and hope..
Live your life to the fullest in your life span but don't die with pain while you are still alive..
© Hana
#mywords #mythoughts #philosophy