

Cousins.... Part 6
“Do you really now? Any looking to be married? Gwen is almost 17 and she is not in a commited relationship. The thought of her ending up alone with to many cats keeps me up at night.” I grunt,
“Well isn’t that cute, my ending up an old cat lady keeps you up at night but me getting drugged unconscious in a hospital doesn’t even make you bat an eyelash… I’m going to eat.” I walk away from her as she sputters for something to say and fails miserably. Jameson catches up to me a second later, he is still smiling,
“So, how many kids do you want?” I smile up at him, he won’t let me stew over her and is acting like it never happened.
“Bless you, I could kiss you right now…. I am an only child and it wasn’t fun because I was always alone, I don’t want my future kids to grow up that way. I have always wanted at least 4.” He whistles long and low,
“I’d say have at me, but people might start to talk, looks like we have a lot of practicing to do since you will want them to be around the same age. To bad for you though, I don’t want 4 kids.” I try not to let the dissapointment show on my face but I can’t so I turn to look for a table instead. Jameson grabs my hip from behind me and whispers in my ear,
“I want at least 6.” He steps back leaving my heart a melting mess. A waitress comes and smiles at Jameson looking him up and down like she would rather eat him then serve us dinner,
“Hello, I am Charlotte, I am the hostess here, how many?” Jameson answers for us.
“Just the two of us, are there any tables available outside?” She looks at her little board and smiles,
“Yes there is seating available outside for you and your?” She leaves the question open in the air. It riles me especially after talking to my mother.
“Cousin, are you going to show us to our table or strip him with your eyes all night long?” She tries to look appauld and fails miserably,
“Of course, my apologies, your table is this way, please follow me.” I follow her and leave Jameson to do the same. I am trying to control my anger all of a sudden but I can’t seem to get a reign on it. I mean how many people can say that there mother doesn’t care about them and only thinks of money? I sit and Jameson sits opposite of me. When I look up at him he is glaring at me and then I hear a snicker from Charlotte. She has this God awful smirk on her face like she has won some kind of prize. I stand and push my chair back so hard it hits the floor, I am damned tired of people trying to tell me what to do and control me. My mother may be loud about her faults but I won’t take Jameson’s silent dissapointments either. I look him right in the eye.
“I won’t do this, I can’t do it. Good luck on your future endeavours. Don’t forget to tip the Harlet, oh wait I mean Charlotte.” I turn and walk off into the sand. Was I being petty, maybe, but do I care, no! I am grabbed by the arm and spun around so hard I keep spinning until I am knocked off my feet into the sand. I land wrong on my wrist and it hurts. I pull my arm across my chest and try to scoot away from whoever it is who knocked me off of my feet.
“Jesus Gwen, I didn’t mean to knock you down. Are you ok? Did, did I hurt you?” I look up and see Jameson on his knees in the sand 4 feet from me. He looks frightened.
“Well you know, you are like a foot and a half taller than I am. My wrist hurts, I landed on it wrong.” He cringes and sinks down off of his knees into the sand until he lands on his butt.
“Gwen, please, I didn’t mean too…. I hurt you…” He says the last part in a whisper. I get up to my knees and scoot over to him,
“No, you don’t get to act all sad and small now. You came after me on a mission and angry. So go on then, give it to me don’t back pedal now.” I look down at my wrist and rotate it every which way I can. It’s sore but it will be fine, I didn’t break anything.
“Why did you act that way to the hostess? She was just doing her job.” I shake my head,
“No she was looking at you like you are a meal and I what, get dismissed because I am your cousin? I have to sit idly by while others throw themselves at you and be ok with it? Is that what you want me to do, be yours in secret and still have to put up with that every time we go out? No, if you want some closet piece of ass then go find one. Yes I know we can’t tell anyone about us but I won’t be disrespected either.” I refuse to look at him, he melts me with his eyes and I want to be angry right now. Looking at him will make me forgive it, make me think I can do something i can’t just so he can be mine. Then I will be miserable in my life and forever unhappy and I won’t live that way. Jameson grabs me up and puts me on his lap so that I am straddling him. I gasp and quickly look around before trying to get off. He holds me in place,
“No, it’s a new moon, no one can see us here on the beach down by the water, not clearly anyways. Go back with me tonight, when the hostess first started flirting with me, did I flirt back with her? Did I do anythin to encourage her attention?” I think back and shake my head no. He nods,
“Exactly Gwen, I can’t make others stop flirting with me but trust me when I tell you that I won’t be flirting back. You are the only one I want and the only one I will ever want. I only have eyes for you. You have no need to be jealous because at the end of the day, it’s you who I am kissing cousin. It’s you who I am sharing my life with cousin. It’s you who I am fucking cousin. It’s you who I love, cousin.” WHAT?!? I finally look up at him and he nods as he lifts my skirt over my hips and lifts me just enough to enter deep inside of me. I moan softly when he is deep inside of me and Jamesone sucks my ears lobe into his mouth before whispering.
“I want the world to know that the prettiest girl on it is mine but they wouldn’t understand. Show me how much you want me., show me how much you…” He lets the sentence go unfinished and lays back on the beach. I start riding him in a way that I think is correct. I have never so called rided someone before. It feels good but not like it did earlier when he was in charge, I have to be doing something wrong. Not long into it I stop moving and sigh in frustration. Jameson sits up and grins at me like a school boy,
“Frustrated? You want to show me you want me so bad its frustrationg?” I am close to closing down on him when I suddenly hear someone not to far from us on the beach.
“Did you hear that? It sounds like someone is down there having sex?” Mom? Jameson pulls me down with him so that my hair covers both of our faces. He grabs my hips and gets me moving, this time helping me with the motion and guiding me with his hands. I moan softly but bite my lip to try and keep quiet. Soon I get the motion down of what I am suppose to be doing and I ride him harder and deeper. Jameson lets out a loud grown and I smile. I nip his nipple and keep up the amazing motion. I knew I was doing it wrong, this feels amazing. I want him to know how much I want him, how much I need him, how much I love him. I grind against him faster with the realization that yes I do love him.
“Damn, they are definitely having sex down there! Remember when we use to do that honey?” The wind picks up and takes my hair over my shoulder and out of my face. I look up at the perfect him to see my dad looking right at me. His mouth drops open for a second before his eyes look to who is below me. This time his eyes get big. He doesn’t say anything, he just takes my mom by the arm who isn’t looking down at us anymore.
“Come along dear, this is a private moment, lets be respectful.” Jameson doesn’t know we have been caught and I am not going to tell him right now. I continue grinding against him until I am fixing to cum,
“Jameson, I, oh God….” Jamesone grabs my hips and rolls me in the sand until I am underneath him. He pushes deep inside of me over and over again, deep and hard. I wrap my legs around his waiste and hang on to him. My cries of passion are loud as they fill the night sky, I tried but couldn’t keep them inside. When Jameson gives his finally thrust deep inside of me he stills and collapses against me. I nip his ear.
“I love you too.” We laid there for a good long time on the beach just listening to the sound of the water moving in and out against the shore. Jameson pulles out and I whimper at the loss of him. He laughs and pulls me up to my feet against him.
“Don’t worry baby there is more where that came from.” The restaurant is closed now so dinner is no longer an option for us. I laugh because sex was more important. Jameson looks at the closed sign and laughs with me,
“Looks like it’s room service then doesn’t it?” The hotel is so quiet that it’s kind of eerie. What time is it, that not evene the late boozers aren’t up and roaming around. In the elevator I give Jameson’s hand a squeeze,
“Someonething happened on the beach, someone saw, we need to talk about it.” Jameson looks upset but not as much as I thought he would be. He pulls me close and holds me.