

Ancient Forest: Part-5(Finale)
The Morning Star and Sphere of Dusk
would cycle several times, as Drake recovered from his past experiences and continued to train for the coming great battle. Many raids and assaults were thwarted by Runa and her Ivorborin, until a fierce Ork Warchief and his militia would thwart their efforts. A great many lives would be lost, land would be gained by the enemy, and the empire would lose momentum.Drake would gain and lose many he would hold dear to his heart, but would rise to greet the next dawn.

As the great battle drew near, a war council would be held by many kings and queens throughout Hakon on the fate of the Ork tribes in the Forest Haven of Eriker.

Volundr: My lords, the time has come to put an end to these beasts and end their rebellion.
Eldon:Minister, our armies are stretched thin due to the war with the dragons and we cannot receive extra soldiers to aid in this matter.
Ava: Not even lady Runa could best one of the pig-childrens chiefs.Do you have a plan to end their rebellion?
Volundr: Yes, I have put together a unit of 500 from each of your great kingdoms, who seek to end this conflict.And I have received word from our Empress, that Lord Aldon will lead this unit along with General Runa and her young blade, Drake Maverrick!

And sure enough, the day would arrive were the battle between the orks and elves would be settled in the wastelands of Stigandr!Drake,along with his blade master Runa and companion Kelda readied themselves, as the Orks arrived.A unit of 503 faced the might of 470 strong.Black storm-clouds covered the battlefield and would soon split apart,as the Elven Wargod descened to the battlefield. All stood ready on each side to prepare for war!

With no hesitation, the pig-beasts charged at their oppressors. Aldon would step forward to meet this enemy. The Orks would throw a hundred spears into the air towards Aldon, but they would not find their mark, as he summoned a barrier to protect himself.Aldon would raise a single hand to unleash his wrath upon them, as punishment for all they had wrought. Releasing a mighty burst of energy from within the pig-children's bodies, causinging them to spontaneously explode into pieces.Aldon had single-handedly descimated a great many of their numbers, as many on both sides looked on in shock and awe.

As anger was replaced with fear, Runa commanded the unit to charge forth and slay them all!Drake along with his companions charged into battle! Blade, arrow, spear, and magic would all meet the flesh of Ork, until Gro'tash came to the front line to contend with the unit. Like a hurricane gaining ferocity and speed, the berserk ork cut through the elven forces and encouraged his fellow warriors to fight back against the unit. After seeing their fallen,the orks began to fight back against the elves,Just as Aldon was about to end the remainder of them, three brave warriors stood in the Orks and their chiefs path.Kelda, Runa, and Drake stoodfast, as they clashed with Gro'Tash' Gru and his militia. Having her leg battered and damaged by Gro'tashe's club, Runa could no longer continue to fight.

Drake and Kelda held their own, while Runa healed herself, eventually suffering sustainable injuries from the battle as well.Seeing her fall to her knees after dealing with several orkish infantry, Gro' Tash attempted to end Kelda's life. Drake would charge through many, slicing and slashing pro flesh till his blade pierced directly into Gro'tashe's head, killing the Warchief. With the death of their Warchief, the unit of 500 pushed back the beast-folk.The militia would surrender and would be taken to the capitol to await their punishment for their war crimes.

A mighty victory, great honor and celebration was held for drake and his companions, Drake would be presented with his blademaster's dual blades, Kelda would receive a boon from Lord Aldon, Runa was blessed once more with Ragnhild's favor, and Drake would be made an honorary member of Runa's clan. The night sky was painted with stars,as Drake found himself star-gazing once more with Kelda, he wondered if he would ever return home!?

Before he knew it, Drake was surrounded by many of his new clan, even Runa. She would speak to him;

Runa: Drake, I know we are not your family, but you done so much for our people and kin.How could we not be by your side during your dark hour. May you see the clan as your family!
Drake:Thank you Master Runa!

The End???

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