

The Ugly Girl, Karcy
I saw a part of this story but the rest of it was made up out of imagination .. Don't feel sad after reading , rather be glad that you can become a better person from the lessons there in.

There was a hard-working young man and his newly married wife. The young man was a construction engineer.. He was a builder and he was good at it.

He has been married for 9 years and there was no child voice heard in his home. People started to talk as months went by they started mocking the couple ..

I wonder he denied a child when he were younger ?? He has medical issues with his manhood .. No, that the woman .. she is a witch .. That man needs to find someone else .. That girl dirty, she has been taking off belly that's why she can't have child now in her

On 4 occasions .. the young man (Andrew) asked his neighbors' children to helped him take care of simple tasks around their home .. And they openly insulted him

Andrew you need to wake up and find someone who can born for you .. Whole 9 years no baby sound .. You must be an ass to keep spending on a woman all these years that doesn't have a child for you .. That other people children you will be depending on ??

If you get a child by any other woman, Lucy will be forced to accept it.. Andrew whole 9years became the middle name of both Andrew and Lucy .

Lucy family was religious .. and they had Lucy and Andrew visit hospitals at least 4 times through the 9 years .There were no medical implications .. They change their diet, their style, use supplements and even medications. But nothing changed and the noise and condemnation became unbearable.

Lucy openly told Andrew .. Can you try somebody else for us to know if I am the problem .. Andrew laughed so after I try the person then you would try your own of person too right ??? No!!! This is embarrassing and shameful for both of us. She said sadly

One Saturday evening Lucy picked up some of her belongings and left the house for an unknown location .. "I better be out of your life than be your embarrassment" that was the note she left behind for her husband.

When Andrew found this note, early the next morning, after sitting up all night angry and worry about his wife. He was devastated and broken .

No one known where Lucy went.. In those days there were no cell phones so Andrew when from homes of relatives and friends in search of his wife. He felt so trouble and frustrated.He occasionally drink alcohol .. but with the level of temptation he was confronted with he drank without measure ..

Girls thrown themselves at him but he avoided having sex and would say I am a married man ?? I can't be the one to condemn my vow.

What better wife ?? What better marriage ?? I see why that woman so stupid and not willing to born for you. The girls would get annoy and so furious ..

Imagine a man who is willing to spend $100USD on one night drinks but is not willing to have sex .. It sounds impossible right ?? The man was faithful for 3 months without his wife around and not knowing her where about as well.

One evening while sitting in his living room a man walked into the house and said unto Andrew I have been send to you by your uncle .. For what so ?? Andrew asked ..

He said you need children !? Yes, I do, but my wife is not around. How possible ?? Your wife is with your uncle and she begged him to intervened so he asked me to find some traditional herbs for you ..

What ??? Andrew was shocked .. For the next 3 days you will drink, bath and rub these portion on your body . On the 3rd day your wife will come home don't get annoy with her but have sex with her all night ..

She will instantly get pregnant..Andrew was confused but he couldn't refused because he was tired of the abused..

He went on and did as the man said.. And indeed his wife came home on the 3rd day ..And as he were told he did .. As predicted his wife got pregnant and had him a very ugly daughter.

After that child.. they had 4 other children with 1 year between them. This story is about the first child, Karcy.

Karcy was ugly Ooo .. people rather called her ugly girl instead of her real name. Fashion couldn't help her, nor smartness could ..Some called herv bitter medicine, others called her country chicken.

With all the bad names and statement thrown at Karcy she never back off .. She was never shy off nor were moved by those people views and there was a reason why.

Karcy was a A+ student, her entire life was cover with scholarships and fundings. Her presence in the lives of her family made them rich and comfortable.
Karcy would rather smile at an insult than get annoy. If you ever heard Karcy screaming in anger .. That was base on giving her sisters and her little brother instructions.

Karcy's parents always motivated her as well as coach and taught her basic skills in almost every aspects of life. From the age of 5 her father always corrected her in secret and taught her how to teach others. She was the teacher of the rest of her parents children.

Her ugliness was her stigma , but it never had hold on her development nor her personality. At a concern age of maturity boys would ask her out to pay fun of her .. But in the end she would bounce back being more confident, and courageous.

Attractive was never a good word to describe Karcy .. She had no juicy spot on her entire body, no beauty in the face, no sexy structure and no athlete frame. But this ugly girl had brain and an excellent personality.

There was never a day that Karcy spoke up against those who condemned her . She never shy away though .. but never fought back.

Her Dad Andrew was her secret, He made it his duty to show and prove to Karcy how special she was to the family. Every night he would kiss her good night before he goes to bed. He would have her instruct the rest of children about their home affairs. He celebrated her daily.

Some days he took her out for a date and made her pay all the bills .. He made her a Boss at a very early age and guide her in all her ways. He never favor her in a way that drawn lines between his children .. they are felt very special and zealous to learn as Karcy. For she was an Icon of uniqueness.

He just made every moment special and pleasant for her. At the graduation ceremony as Karcy received her Doctoral degree in Medicine. She was the most honored student . And that day was her 24 birthday, .

Karcy stood before the congregation and smile very wide.. After she welcomed the guests and those sitting on the stage, She laughed and said " I feel so good being ugly and it has made me what I am today. " That statement alone had everyone in the building attentive. " I was borne a blessing to my family, and my father made me understand that very clearly. He pushed to look beyond my ugliness ..

And there I found true happiness and peace . I found out that what I needed most was my self .. I found the beauty in me was not my body, nor my brains but the benefits my family got from my existence .. the benefits and impacts I had on my siblings and colleagues lives.

I changed Andrew and Lucy whole 9 years story into home of a child ..and after me came children. Bitter medicine or Country chicken Karcy .. some taught would hold me down but my Dad had me feel like a Queen and a Master all along ..

Focus on your development and improve your skills .. The records are here to prove me right .. from my Undergraduate days to present I am an A+ student. Because my ugliness help me focus on my lesson as my parents sang in my ears I am their blessing.

The more my friends and colleagues tried to make me shame I grown stronger .. Because my Dad never allow a day go by with out showing me how unique I am .

From 1st grade to present ..All my schooling was funded by others and not just that .. My family received so much support that my father and mother just bought lands, build estates, and schools that we can live on for the rest of our lives.

I am so glad for those who taught they were making fun of me .. Hahaha !! You made me realize that you didn't deserve a portion of my time. I am grateful to God for everything so far ..And my mother you need to come up here and bluff .. Ma Lucy ugly daughter has made her pride. Uh!!!

Now to each one of you parents I want to encourage you to motivate your young ones. Never allow the street make the best of them .. My parents didn't allow my ugliness dictate my mood for a day.

It is more than that .. they went out of their will and it pays. My entire family is rich and prosperous.. We did it together. If this has worked for us and itv can also work for you .

My parents didn't fight for me they taught me how to fight for myself .. Here I am standing as the best and the most value student ever in this entire University she laughed and .. She continue to speak ..

See the faces of a lot people ..in the building. .. You mean she the highest honored student in the whole University ..
From Freshman to present she has been .. Wow!!! Numerous of comments praising and blessing Karcy were made that day.

5 other parents came to Karcy's father asking for their sons to marry Karcy .. And her father said she has to agree because I just teach her but she is always allow to chose ..

She choose to be a good student and she will chose who ever she wants to be with ..

Another fiction .. But trust me valuing and motivating your children give them the upper hand in every given situation.

Don't allow Peer pressure predicts your child future Parents you are obligated to ensure the street don't make the best of your young ones ..

Some rape cases are Parents negligence : Children and Parents relationship matters
© Jarry B Blie