

Trails and Tribulations #part-1
On the very auspicious day a loud cry makes everyone around float in happiness,The cheerfulness in the faces of the couple of becoming parents and pleasure of having an angel in their lives. She is raised with all the love and care and grown up with all moral and ethical values,her parents raised her in such a way to face any kind of challenges. She is made to learn all the things and works such that she cannot bend her head down in any kind of situation. That little angel named aishu is such a person that doesn't disclose any of her sorrows with anyone and faces it all alone wanted to share all possible joy and happiness to the people around her. She is a typical girl born in this modern world with astonishing character,she is kind of crazy,hardworking girl with a positive attidute and always be cool regardless of the situation and tackles it in an amazed way. She used to be happy girl with a beautiful family with a brother who loves and trains her the most in the world. But her fate is not happy as her life wanted to be, She has never expected a series of Strom's in her life. At the very age of 7 on the happy day of ganesh chaturthi she was being kidnapped and was hid behind the idle of the ganesh in the heap of fruits and no one can see whats behind the idle and in the sounds of the artis,slokas etc., in the temple her voice raised for the help was not audible to anyone, she has no idea of whats going on and how to escape from there suddenly a young man appears before her, She has no idea of the cruel idea which lies behind his innocent smile. As a little girl she was happy as he gives her food and eats it as she was completely hungry. In the mean while her family who were very much exhausted after searching all over the town and couldn't find her, left with no hope and stopped by the temple side unexpectedly in which she has been locked and the man started to force her and kissed her as she felt very unsafe she bit his hand and tried to escape from him, at the very moment phone rang for him and he has to forcibly move out as the call was a bit emergency, As soon as he left,in a few moments her father however found her successfully and saved her, She didn't said that she was kidnapped as she is a kind of person that doesn't like to share her sorrows with others she said that she lost her way while playing and couldn't come home and stayed in the temple and after that her life was again continued happily as before. At the age of 10 her family shifted to a new place where she was moved to a new school with new friends around. She is very good at studies and a very kind person who trust everyone truthfully. At the age of 15, an unexpected incident changed her life and the way she thinks. After the very incident she never trusted a person so easily and it took years for her to believe a person,that incident changed her way of thinking completely...whats the incident? what happened? lets know in the next part........!!!
© Junnu