

45 and the Key
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it
The President of America, good ol' 45 was confuzzled. As per usual, he didn't bother to read the instructions... He, of course, was so smart he had no need to read/listen to *anything* (instruction/directions, people, qualified people, science, congress... He even refused to read the numbers on his microwave).

He felt the key, looked at it, felt its weight, decided it belonged up his nose... So he put it there. When he turned the key, he became so much more open minded. He began to sense he *should* listen to others. And he did. He made many changes that *actually* made sense, like helping people, no more late night tweets, no more pushing himself to the front of the line. He began to behave as an actual president, with much thought and input in others.
He was receiving compliments on his change. He whole-heartedly wanted to do better. So he turned that key in his nose.
He became so opened minded, his brain fell out.
He immediately returned to the "president" we all knew.