

The Cottage Fairy And Her Dolls
Chapter 2
- The golden handle -

“ Help!” someone yelled, with a lovely swallow voice.
Mystery had been blended the egg and flours together and ready to put them into the oven. The loud squawk covered the yell. She couldn’t remember what’s her first time using this oven, so it might have broken down. For this special moment, for her first friend and human in her life, she tried to do everything that was her first time. She hasn’t cooked anything since her dry mouth, also since she refused to touch fire, touch anything that’s warm and hot. Wild berries and vegetable salad is usually fine for her.
Bang bang bang…
Mystery tried to turn off the oven but it was too late. The dark and black gases rushed out of the oven and washed her delicate face. “ Cough, cough…”
“ Help!” That weird yell appeared again, with a crazy exclamatory voice.
Mystery’s eyes suddenly became wide. The voice sented to her ears and knocked her mind. Yes! She finally remembered something, something important.
She rushed out the front door, the yell still continued. Her heart pumped slowly, the pumping pattern was back. She can’t stop her ears to focus on the miserable yell. The ears pulled her body hard to follow the yell, every step she walked, the sound became closer. Before she could walk through the other road, a grass was moving strongly beside her. She stopped the next footstep and the heart pumping lost the pattern again. Her fingers catched the leaves' tardiness, the leaves were shaking again like a strong wave. Her feet moved behind that made sure her feet would not touch the thing. She closed her eyes as tight as she can, then peeled off the grasses. “ Oh! God! ” She called out, her eyes stared at Naggy's injured foot, the cloth was torn off in half and stuck on the branches. She held up the cottons, it was dirt with soils.
“ Oh god. Are you alright?” She asked, her eyes watery.
“ It’s ok, not hurt.” Naggy strained.
“ I am sorry I didn’t take any sews and pins. “ Mystery blamed on herself.
“ It’s ok, not your fault.” Naggy said, tried to standed up, but her foot was too soft without cottons.
“ Maybe we can find someone to help us, this can make the thing better.” She went on.
Find someone? For her, it is impossible, always would. Her heart pumped and hit her chest again and again, perhaps she still was not ready to meet those real humans, or perhaps she went back to the quiet again. The humans and the dirt cottons were twirling in her mind. “pick one, pick one” she heard the odd sound. “You don’t want your dream to come true? Lively place, friendly people, laughs and more voices…” “ This is who you’re, keep quiet down, do not break it…” She can’t choose, noun of them was true, she did want those lively things, she’s not quiet down at all since she had Naggy. Her brain started to become clear, never been this clear. She took a deep breath, and then stepped on her first trip in her life.
“ That’s a good idea, let’s go find someone else.” She said, showing a confident look.

* * *

They walked through the fatty trees and dense grasses. Mystery was glad that she grew a thin body, otherwise she might have stuck in those massive plants until the night.
After the long difficult trip, they found nothing but a wall which loin up lush leaves and morning glory. Her chin carefully sticked on the wall, ears raised.
“ What do you hear?” Naggy asked with a confusion on her holding hands.
She didn’t answer, just closed her eyes and listened to the things she could hear. Her breaths were slow and abnormally steady, her chest were moving up and down gently, while her eyes were sharp and mixed with a little anxiousness.
“ Are you alright? Mystery?” Naggy asked again.
“ Mystery!”
Her soul melted in her mind and her brain wandered in her complexible heart, her head moved and her eyelids raised a little when she finally discovered that Naggy was tugging her sleeve with tiny hands.
“ What are you…” She asked.
“ You had been staring at this wall for a while…” Naggy repeated.
“ What did you hear? “ Naggy asked.
“... Human voice… and… and singing…``” She stammered. That’s why she was stuck there. She couldn’t believe what she heard, her heart looked like it was ill but refused to let the pill heal.
Her hands touched the wall, the grass and branch stuck her fingers while she moved them. Then she felt something chill. She peeled off the branches and saw a thing that shines her eyes- a door handle, which is made with iron, it shines more brighter under the sun when she uncovered the branches. Naggy’s eyes wided, but she’s not.
“ A door!” Naggy pointed out.
“ Let’s do this, let’s open it.” Mystery mumbling.
She took a deep breath, from her feet to her head, her chest up like a cooking bread and down like a turtle walking. Their hands held the handle tightly, and then pushed it while her face struggled and became dark red. With a creak, the door opened. And her hands were all red. She looked at Naggy’s, it looked no different. Actually, the whole process the door only felt her forces, but she didn’t blame Naggy, she knew she was just a doll, a doll with an injured foot and soft body…
Mystery closed her eyes gently, like she’s not ready to see those things she only could touch and see them in her everyday dream. She slowly opened the door, a cool wind suddenly crossed her body, the voices and singing were closer and closer, the air was full of chocolate hot cocoa and cheese. A sweet smile slowly appeared on her face. Her hands were holding the wind, her face was soaked with those cheer singing and her nose was tasting the cheese and the hot cocoa, her entire body was intoxicated.
“ Wow~” Naggy amazed at the incredible scene.
“ Opened your eyes Mystery! Don’t miss this amazing landscape!” Naggy yelled at Mystery.
She quickly came back to reality when she noticed that her eyes were still closed.