

The Fallen Star (part 6)
6. Who Are You?

Is there something wrong with my unusual eyes? Delisha thought. Unwittingly, her head was tilted staring at the man. His face was an ordinary human face, wistful eyes with deep eyelids and sharp nose, jaw with a bit of a thin beard, the typical face of Indian men, nothing strange, in the eyes of ordinary people.

He was tall, wearing a leather jacket, gray jeans, and black leather boots. His black hair was slightly wet with rain dew combed with fingers. Warm brown eyes stared kindly at the people around him. His face was quite interesting and what made Delisha even more amazed was the aura around the man. Glowing golden, like the morning sun on the dew in a flower garden. Delisha had never seen a human look like that. Is that man an angel?

The golden-glow man greeted the shop clerk and circled his gaze into the convenience store. His eyes fell on the young woman with long brown hair and the woman's brown eyes looked at him closely. "Hmm ... Is there something wrong with my face, Miss?" the man asked as he stepped toward her. A very beautiful woman and apparently, not a resident. "Is there something wrong with my face, Miss?" the man repeated with his face leaning against Delisha's.
Delisha was still amazed. "I think my eyes are wrong ...," Delisha murmured without realizing. She didn't even wink.

The man lowered his head to look at his feet which were stepping on the coffee puddle on the floor. "Oh, looks like you spilled your coffee." He bent down to pick up used coffee cups on the floor.
Delisha gasped. what just happened? She wondered to herself. Delisha protected her eyes by wearing glasses. She hurried off the chair and bumped into the man's chest.

"Awh!" The man grimaced and he held Delisha's body because she was about to fall. "Where do you think you are going, Miss?"

"I am sorry!" Delisha said, pushing the man's hand away. She passed the man but soon turned back. "Sorry!" she muttered. "My cellphone!" Delisha reached for her cellphone from the charger box, ignoring the man she had just hit. In the minimarket doorway, Delisha stopped. "Rain!" She looked with sad-looking eyes at the heavy rain outside and the noisy sound of lightning. She turned back into the convenience store and got a wondering look from the shop clerk and the man in the leather jacket.

Delisha turned the other way and opened her cellphone to con.tact the person who was said to be picking her up at the station. After a few waiting tones, the phone wasn't picked up either.

A red-faced shop clerk with a long mustache grumbling while cleaning the coffee on the floor. Delisha heard it, but chose silence, pretending did not understand what he was saying. The golden-glowing like an angel-man spoke to the shop clerk and gave the young man a tip. Delisha saw it through her glasses, but she pretended not to know and didn't care.

Delisha is an expert at being indifferent because she is used to dealing with unpleasant things. It's better people think she's arrogant than to tell them her weaknesses. She bought another cup of coffee and sat back in the pantry, sipping her coffee in a relaxed manner as if not bothered by a handsome man who sat leaning against the pantry table while looking at her.

"Who are you, Miss? Looks like you're not a citizen around here," the golden glowing man asked. He casually stared at the arrogant woman. He bought a cup of coffee for himself too.

The first rule of traveling is not to talk carelessly with strangers. Delisha held to that rule. She didn't budge.

"Where do you come from?" asked the man again. Indian men indeed have a hobby of chatting and getting acquaintance, to expand friendship. The more friends, the richer they become, that's the principle.

"What is your name?" he asked again. One question has never been answered, but he already asked another question. He was sure if it wasn't raining out there, this woman would have run away. Looking at her luggage, this woman stayed in the minimarket because she was waiting for someone.

"Where are you headed?" asked the man again. His face is handsome, and his eyes are warm friendly. He is adept at using his attractiveness as a good man.

Delisha tried to hold back. This man seems to be deliberately annoying. Curious? Or perhaps intend to do evil things to her, hypnotize, and rob? Or worst, raping then killing her? Delisha sipped her coffee and the man did the same thing as if they were deliberately sitting together to enjoy a cup of coffee and chatting like old friends.
"You can ask me the same question," the man said. "It looks like the rain will take a long time, we can talk to kills time. It's much better to interact with each other than to occupy ourselves with cellphones," he said again because he saw the woman next to him take out a cellphone.

"I could report you to ...."

"I'm Imdad!" The man interrupted Delisha as he reached out to shake hands. "My name is Imdad Hussain!" he introduced himself. Delisha looked away, unwilling to shake his hand.

"I lived in India my whole life. I know the people, also the ins and outs of this city, if you have something to ask, you can ask me."
Delisha glared from the corner of her glasses. Are all angel-looking con artists like this? She snorted doubtfully.

"All right, if you don't want to talk to me, I'm just trying to be friendly to outsiders, but I also don't want to be considered presumptuous and annoying." The man lowered his hand which never held. He jumped down from the bench then walked toward the cashier.

The man spoke in the local language with the store clerk then an Indian song with a happy rhythm was played heard throughout the room through loudspeakers. Strangely, the men laughed, sang together, and danced to the rhythm of the song. You Indian! Not only in the movies, in their daily lives singing and dancing have become their flesh and blood.

Imdad Hussain. Delisha repeats his name in her mind. The first man she saw with a dazzling look. It might be just a coincidence. Maybe this man is not the only one. If there is one man like this, there will be others. It's worth one's while to travel this time. She can see new things, maybe even other things that she never expected at all.

Delisha immerses herself in her cellphone. Read various latest articles and news around India. In India, it was being discussed intensively the life of a young CEO named Devdas Star Tailes, chairman of Star Corp. The company that Xander Xin told to investigate. His face in the photo is very handsome, like a photo model, still young, 30 years old, single. Delisha became curious. If this man was as handsome as a photo, how would her eyes see this person?

Besides herself, Devdas Star Tailes is also not in Kimberly's view. That made Devdas Star Tailes becomes a very suspicious figure for Xin Corp. Actually, who is this man?

The incoming call broke Delisha's concentration. A Xin Corp representative' number contacted her.

"Hello?" said Delisha.

"Ah, sorry, Miss Marianne! We were stuck in traffic, there was an accident at the railroad crossing and now we are stuck in traffic again because there is a flood and many vehicles broke down," said the man named Vijay on the phone. Because Delisha is truly a human from the future, she was given a false identity, namely as Marianne Webster.

"Oh?" Delisha hung up her cellphone and put her face down on the pantry table. Upset, because she had to wait even longer before the people arrived.

The lively and happy Indian song added to her frustration, plus three silly men who danced and sang to the reverberating songs. Three men. Two seemed strange, which was normal for her, while one person looked charming, handsome, and glowed goldenly, it was strange to her.

Who is this man? What exactly is this man? Things mixed up in her mind and daydreams made her sleepy.

Delisha fell asleep and gasped when she heard the sound of her cellphone. She woke up with her face was bright red because the man who identified himself as Imdad Hussain sat beside her and stared intently. "You sleep carelessly, Beautiful. You can lure men to do bad things to you," he said. Delisha scowled and chose to answer her cellphone.

"Miss, we are in front of the station! Where are you?" said the man on the phone.

"Uh, oh, yeah, I'll be right out!" Delisha said. Then she lowered her cellphone. She glances sharply at Imdad Hussain and snickers. She put on her sunglasses again. She took care of her belongings and pass the man without hesitation. She's out of the convenience store.

The rain had stopped. Delisha stood in front of the minimarket. A black SUV and a black-suited man who had an appearance like a Doberman dog welcomed her. The dog, sorry, the man opened the passenger door for her.

Two men from Xin India picks her up. They are named Vijay and Sunil. Most Xin Corp employees are like guardian dogs in Delisha's eyesight because they are obedient, loyal, and always alert.

Delisha got in the car and drove away from the place. While from the convenience store, a pair of Imdad Hussain's brown eyes watched. "Xin Corp?" he muttered with a furrowed brow. "Who is that woman?"

Imdad Hussain, 27 years old, lives life to the fullest, a fantastic lover.

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