

A Letter To A Friend
Hey, It's been awhile hasn't it. Yea..We already know how this is gonna end. I'm not the bad guy. I never lied, I never betrayed, or anything to hurt you. Honestly, I've tried to be the best friend I could be to you. Trying to be on your side as my world collapsed. Now it seems that your is crashing and you want to drag me with you. Honestly I feel like you are a victim of your own hubris. Who am I to tell if it's the case. I love you man, you're a brother to me but I can't do this anymore. I can't give up a part of my life for someone else's happiness. I'm not malleable like that anymore. I'm not that kid you knew all those years ago. No, I'm in my twenties. So are you. We're adults, trying to live our lives. You may not agree with my life choices. Even I can say that I've made mistakes, but I'm human. But I can't do this if I'm to be treated as a criminal, as if I'm the one in the wrong. Years of arguments, you won them all...even when you were wrong. all I ask is that you could be happy for me, for the fact I'm actually doing something with my life...that I'm doing something different...other than being sorry for myself..I want you to see and understand that this is who I am. All I want is to move on in life for once, instead of being driven by my past. I'm tired of looking in the mirror and seeing the scared boy I was once. Understand that I never left you side once. But you've left me in the dust.
© theillusivewriter