

Phone Love
Miya is a middle-class girl with good character living with a caring family. In her childhood, She never cared about her appearance until someone provokes her. Some people even avoids her and bully her for fun which makes her envy at beautiful girls. This makes miya lose her self confidence and falls in depression.

She faced many difficulties because of her appearance. She wanted to have a affectionate gender so that he can protect her even if someone demotivates her by appearance.

Miya was connected to a wrong call named hari. Hari with his attractive words made miya to become friends. There was only a phone conversation between Hari and miya. Later Hari gave a love proposal to miya through phone. Miya too accepted his proposal as she was waiting for a person to fall in love for her..

As days goes on, Hari's activities changes which makes miya feel bad. One day miya came to know that he was a playboy once. She.believese that Hari will change for her. Miya told Hari not to behind other girls as she loves her. Days goes on. When they had a quarrel because of a girl, Hari loses his patience and asked miya to prove her love by paying him a debt promising that he will return once he feel trusted.

Miya without thinking anything, steals a money in her house and paid his debt to prove her love. Even while meeting her, he asked his friend to act as him. By knowing all this miya cried a lot and whispered to her cousin. Fortunately her cousin was caught by her sister-in-law(janani).

Janani made a call to miya's parents and asked them to come at 11.48pm. When they arrived, janani explains everything to her mom. Miya broke her families trust as they were thinking that a guest who came has stealed it.

Parents took initiative to find Hari. Even police couldn't find out with that mobile number. She finally realized that her love is nothing before him. She later called him and pleased him saying "I can't live without you". He gave her a cruel smile saying "You are the biggest fool I ever saw in the world". He explains her how he cheated her and said her that "I was the one who is cheating unknown but look at a you, you can't be truthful even to your parents" On hearing that she realized here mistake and felt sorry for her parents. As days goes on her family started trusting her again as she was their own daughter. Everything after a heavy strom went back to normal life.

After 2 years, Hari called to miya dad's number. While miya picked up a call, Hari was trying to convince her saying that he realized his mistake and wanted her back in his life.

Miya replied " I have to be thankful for getting you in my life. If you dint cheat me, I would have not known that my family is the only valuable relationship of my life. Still money wasn't matter for my parents even if they're a middle class. They accepted me saying that not to fall for the fake relationship again. I can't even curse you but I am telling you are inapt to live in this world".

she is not sure whether he will change himself or not but her daily pray was no other girl in the world should have an incident in their life like her.

She doesn't know whether the incident was a curse or for good but realized appearance doesn't matter in a family. Apart from her family, she is not ready to accept any fake relationship anymore...

My advice to the people is ' don't just simply trust a person and fall for him/her and don't go so far in search for a relationship while you always get that near you. whenever you get cheated blame yourself first for showing a blind trust towards someone'

stay home, stay safe

© san