

Hey, should I wear a saree or a traditional ethnic suit will work fine?? Should I wear simple makeup or rather keep it plain and rustic?? Should I wear black or blue or maybe some other color which makes me look slimmer?? Umm should I wear the short or long slit kurta or keep the saree pallu this way maybe that elevates my height makes me look taller??? What do we talk??How do I greet him?? What do we order to eat??

Hey, should I be taking up a casual look or a formal getup will be okay? Should I keep the glasses on or maybe go forward with lenses?? Should I be keeping the beard dense or maybe trimmed works better?? Should I take her out to a cafe or a fine dine place. Should I keep it by the pool or indoor or a rooftop setup??Should I even pick and drop her?? What do we talk?? How do we initiate the chat??

These are a few of the entire cluster of questions that hovers right above your head when you are about to see someone for marriage. Each second upto the real moment is mysterious and heavy bringing out the best astute characteristics present in oneself as you know, all this time you are under strict survelliance being judged for every tiny action you do...every miniscule response you generate.

But, question of the millenium, with age no bar, no limits on gender or profession is how do we decide that this is the right partner. Is a time span of 60 minutes sufficient enough to make a selection of the person you not only will share your life but also, plan to share your soul. Do romantic music and violin really starts playing at the backend if you encounter 'THE ONE'.

It is believed that the first impression is the last impression but it might not be cent percent true in a scenario of wooing someone. We need to realize that the intensity of this statement varies depending on people , circumstances, and other in moment factors. What if you dont feel connected to someone in the first meeting when the actual reason on the other side might be hesitation, nervousness or maybe the person is an introvert in normal life as well.

'Marriage' should not be looked down as a societal or a family decision. Perhaps, it is more of a personal decision one takes. It is not a custom to be followed rather a commitment to be made and happens best when the vow comes from deep within. Everyone is different and have their own choices. What might be beautiful and gorgeous to one might just be plainly good to the other. What might be best fit to some might not be equally attractive to the other.

Finding your better half is not a moment based call infact, it is more of a journey. A tour wherein you find someone you feel attracted to, you feel like spending more time with, you feel doing research... discovering more and more about him, someone you adore even after a fight, someone with whom you get to share the real you, someone who no matter how dark the time is still manages to bring a smile on your face, someone with whom you can recall an entire bundle of happy memories just in a blink of an eye, someone who gives you the inner push to try keeping things together ONE MORE TIME...

This is a vibe which a few might take months, others might take weeks and for some even a timeframe of 60 minute is sufficient to make the magic work. Getting married should not be the destination rather indentifying the person who will vivify you, aspire you, brings you closer to yourself, succinctly finding the gem that makes you fall in love with yourself, who reveals how charming a person you are is what one should be looking for because thats what your TRUE MATCH is!!!