

little spark ÈP1
In the little forest he fade away , seeking to relax in the green lands or even chase a prey for dinner so he would save some money for bad times.
This is one day of Egan's life , full of silence mostly but he came here for no reason so lying on the ground or a fallen tree is the best thing to do as Egan.
While he is half sleeping with his hands under his head and a hay hat on his face he feels something walking by him and this is a great time to wake and grab himself to home so he took two birds with one shoe.

As he take the hay hat of his face and stand he gets surprised with a beautiful shiny almost naked girl infront of him and as soon as they saw each other the girl passed out , in setulation the man should work out for something and call help for her if she is missing but he did not got some exciety from a while so he decided to rub her his clothes and take her to his house till she wake up.

Egan clearly got her so that no one can notice eben that she is a human while he is carring her to his home wich is little far and surrounded by so many people that will see him but no worry because every one knows about his wierd expirements and things so they did not say anything while he walked all the way to his home carring unyoung girl while he was upside naked .

As soon as he got inside he lighted the torches and seeked to his bed the only comfortable place and put the girl nicely there after he took his clothes off her and let her body naked hot body under the blanket.
Time got late and Egan started to make dinner to one person while the girl is still sleeping , no matter how long he waits he will wait with all the patience because he is the noble Egan... he started to wake her up as soon as he finished eating and every thing else-_-.

He let out only one candle on and started to shake her hoping she will finally wake up after 15 hours of waiting , her eyes started to open while reflecting the candle fire light.
And after she woke up she got nothing to see expect her bed while the candle light could not reach more further.
Egan :who are you.?
I am ...