


We live in the world full of tech savvy.From mobile to Pc we are accustomed to it always.Life is become quite comfy due to all this tech support in our life.Its peculiar how it's easy to rectify mistakes on a word processor rather than real life, where it just gets tougher to admit to one's own fault.Even if you want to admit your fault,you are way to reluctant to do it.But when there is a fault on tech ,well well well oh simple mistake, nothing to worry, will fix it in a jiffy.But real life mistakes not all are ready to solve or also confront in first place.What does the future holds, is still not yet known completely but definitely trending would be the headlines saying "It's easy to fix a mistake on a word processor but not fix it in real life ". People gossiping about it ,oh yeah this headlines suits well and make a huge fuss over it but no one would really make an effort to understand and confront So now a new start has to be made, where progress of confrontation should be the very first step to unviel the problem.Untangling it one by one , taking time to make it work.

© dreamdarer19